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What cyclists have to put up with..

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That sounds like the start of a bad horror movie :o:o:o:o:o I hope you're not an ethnic minority or a sluttish female because the ethnic minority or sluttish female normally gets killed first.


I'm a sluttish, ethnic female, if you must know! I'm already wearing my SPDs, about to jump on the bike and do one!!


Reminds me of the scene in Galaxy Quest, when Sigourney Weaver says "Quick! Let's get out of here before Guy gets shot!" :hihi:

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Dear Sir


Your news report here was irresponsible, dishonest and serves to demonise people based on their mode of transport:





Why on earth was the decision made to carry the ignorant and aggressive comments from people who seem to think any cyclist injured on the roads is to blame because they don't pay a non-existent tax?


This makes me so depressed and angry, you are inciting violence, almost, against people who have done nothing wrong.


Suppose you carried an feature about car drivers complaining at parking fines and then broiadcast a comment along the lines of


"Who cares what car drivers say- they killed Diana!"


Equally as absurd and unhelpful.


Your feature and decision to report those hateful remarks may well make the roads more dangerous, what were you thinking of?





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Dear Sir


Your news report here was irresponsible, dishonest and serves to demonise people based on their mode of transport:





Why on earth was the decision made to carry the ignorant and aggressive comments from people who seem to think any cyclist injured on the roads is to blame because they don't pay a non-existent tax?


This makes me so depressed and angry, you are inciting violence, almost, against people who have done nothing wrong.


Suppose you carried an feature about car drivers complaining at parking fines and then broiadcast a comment along the lines of


"Who cares what car drivers say- they killed Diana!"


Equally as absurd and unhelpful.


Your feature and decision to report those hateful remarks may well make the roads more dangerous, what were you thinking of?






One should bear in mind that this was in East Anglia.

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I've seen similar ignorance and hatred all over the place.



What about kids on bikes?


Is any accident automatically their fault because they don't pay a non-existent tax?


People are driving around with these stupid attitudes, jeez!

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Isn't it just! Honestly there seem to be no end of idiots lining up to contribute to a thread that had they read in full, would stop them being the next one to make some idiotic comment about road tax, insurance, MOTs, licensing (i mean FFS, where does it end?)

And just when you think you've made a well reasoned and intelligent argument trying your best to slowly explain to these narrow minded people why their points are deeply flawed, up pops the next candidate to make an utter fool of themselves.

I too am still waiting for a sensible come back at my points against having compulsory mythical road tax, insurance, mots etc. But the idiotic brigade either just ignores sensible argument or keeps harping on about the original stupid point anyway. Funnily enough this is how most cycling threads end up. It really is scary to think that people with such low intelligence are allowed to drive at all.


Quite right...


It's funny really, most right minded people usually would make an effort not to appear foolish, but cycling threads seem to propagate the hard of thinking amongst the SF population. You can excuse the new ones to a point, because they're new. (Although if one or two actually read the thread before posting they may avoid making themselves look moronic.)


But some of the "older" ones, well...


And they never, ever answer the questions do they?


Because they can't.

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You should know that cycle lanes are more dangerous than the road to cycle on.


Would you drive on a road strewn with parked cars, broken glass, lamp posts, pedestrians, telephone boxes, dog mess, children, street signs, hidden drives, blind corners and so on?


Cycle lanes are fine for children learning to cycle.



I use an extensive network of thoroughfares that my taxes paid for.


Theey're called "roads".


When did they introduce Cycle tax then?

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Or maybe, because they're trolls?


Or maybe because

it makes you right. And doesn't make you look like an arrogant thick idiot at all. (language warning)




When did they introduce Cycle tax then?


Do you lot drive like you post?


Round and round in ever-decreasing circles with no idea where you are trying to go?


No wonder the traffic is so bad.


But to answer your curiosity, a tax on bicycles was introduced in 1973, at the time the one-off charge was charged at 10% of the net value of the bicycle. The rate currently stands at 17.5% although looks to increase in the relatively near future.

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