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What cyclists have to put up with..

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Sheffield City Council has taken great care to prevent head on collisions along Pomona Street. East and west bound cyclists are given separate routes through this cycle gap, each with its very own bollard placed right in the middle to ensure cyclists are not tempted to use the wrong one.



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Cyclist causes death in Manchester

A cyclist doing what cyclists do caused the death of an elderly bus passenger due to pulling out in front of a bus without a warning/signal.

The police quite rightly took no action against the bus driver but are searching for the idiot cyclist.

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I'd no more defend an idiot on a bmx bike than an idiot in a car with a tin can exhaust * but maybe this terrible death would have been easily avoided if somebody had given up their seat for a 78yo pensioner, if passengers all had seats, if all passengers had seatbelts, or if buses had rearward facing seats ?



*stereotype alert.

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A short video showing some of the bad driving that sadly is all too common when you're a cyclist.



You seem to be ready to complain about the motorist and their bad driving, but what about the dipstick riding the one wheeled unicycle on the roads of Sheffield, Just seen the dipstick wobbling all over the place at Handsworth roundabout (Asda)crossing over the road at the exit from the Parkway, a right danger to anybody.

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You seem to be ready to complain about the motorist and their bad driving, but what about the dipstick riding the one wheeled unicycle on the roads of Sheffield, Just seen the dipstick wobbling all over the place at Handsworth roundabout (Asda)crossing over the road at the exit from the Parkway, a right danger to anybody.


How many people has he killed?


Bad cycling is an annoyance.


Bad driving kills and seriously injures people.

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How many people has he killed?


Bad cycling is an annoyance.


Bad driving kills and seriously injures people.


Answer to your first question: how many people could be be killed ? if a motorist has to take evasive action to avoid him should he fall off the one wheeled cycle and fall into the path of the car and the car swerves and hits someone or a group of people.



Second: yes bad cycling is an anoyance, quite a few do not take any notice of the rules required by law in the Highway Code.


Third: agree totally with you on this one.


And finally is this person breaking the law by using this one wheeled cycle on the public highway ?, no brakes, no warning bell, both i believe required by the road traffic act. And the way he was riding, not in control of the cycle.

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Answer to your first question: how many people could be be killed ? if a motorist has to take evasive action to avoid him should he fall off the one wheeled cycle and fall into the path of the car and the car swerves and hits someone or a group of people.



Second: yes bad cycling is an anoyance, quite a few do not take any notice of the rules required by law in the Highway Code.


Third: agree totally with you on this one.


And finally is this person breaking the law by using this one wheeled cycle on the public highway ?, no brakes, no warning bell, both i believe required by the road traffic act. And the way he was riding, not in control of the cycle.


Overtaking that close, not matter how many wheels the cycle has, is sadly standard bad overtaking. The driver should anticipate and work around the obstacle in front safely, no matter what it is.


For the legal position of unicycles, it's clarified in this letter from Hampshire police to a unicyclist they stopped...




It says:

Dear Sir,


Thank you for you enquiry regarding the use of Uni-Cycles. The first

point that must be clarified is that by definition this type of

vehicle comes into the definition of a Pedal Cycle under Reg 3(b)

Pedal Cycle Construction and Use Regulations 1993.


Under the Highways Act 1835 Section 72 it is an offence to ride a

pedal cycle on a Foot Path, (the definition of foot path includes

pavement). This means that the vehicle should be used on the road

and not on the pavement.


With regard to brakes this type of vehicle with direct drive would

not require additional brakes.


With regard to the fitting of lights, this is dealt with under Reg 4

(3) Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 which states, (Nothing in

these regulations shall require any lamp or reflector to be fitted

between sunrise and sunset to = Pedal Cycle). However if such a

vehicle is used between sunset and sunrise then it must be fitted

with one front position lamp one rear position lamp and one retro



This information should help clarify the position regarding the use

of this type of vehicle on a road.


Yours sincerely

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A taxi driver pulled out on a cyclist at the weekend.


The taxi driver has been arrested for careless driving - maximum 5 years in clink. The cyclist is dead forever.




Just take care out there - cyclists and motorists.

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A taxi driver pulled out on a cyclist at the weekend.


The taxi driver has been arrested for careless driving - maximum 5 years in clink. The cyclist is dead forever.




Just take care out there - cyclists and motorists.


How was that alternative route into work I suggested for you, Tony? After all the trouble I went to the least you could have done was to give it a try!

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