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What cyclists have to put up with..

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That is just sick.

Being someone who is used to driving over 15000 miles a year for the last 20 years getting more and more unfit over time, I recently started to cycle to work a couple of days a week, and it really has been an eye opener being on 'the other side'. It is unbelievable the level of recklessness shown by motorists towards cyclists on the roads, and the lack of regard for human life is simply disturbing. Yes there is also the odd crazy cyclist who mostly risk their own necks, but it is ridiculous to compare that to the level of risk that so many drivers put cyclists through on a daily basis.

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Saw a cyclist drive along the right hand side of waiting cars, through the red lights and turn left into Abbey Lane the other night... That was really stupid. He didn't wait at the lights or even use the dedicated cycle lane to turn left, just went through the red lights, regardless of what was coming from the other direction. He had cycling kit on - shorts, etc, so must be used to cycling and looked old enough to know better... And before anyone barks about being in a car - no, I wasn't - I was stood at the lights, waiting to cross the road and saw it all happen infront of my eyes.

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Saw a cyclist drive along the right hand side of waiting cars, through the red lights and turn left into Abbey Lane the other night... That was really stupid. He didn't wait at the lights or even use the dedicated cycle lane to turn left, just went through the red lights, regardless of what was coming from the other direction. He had cycling kit on - shorts, etc, so must be used to cycling and looked old enough to know better... And before anyone barks about being in a car - no, I wasn't - I was stood at the lights, waiting to cross the road and saw it all happen infront of my eyes.


If I posted on here every time I saw a motorist do something that puts other people's lives at risk, there would be little time in my life to do anything else.

I spend too much time on here as it is!!!!

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Regardless of whether it was a motorist or cyclist, it was a stupid thing to do...


It was indeed and since cyclists and motorists are both human beings, each group contains some idiots. Mostly through ignorance rather than malice.


If I posted on here every time I saw a motorist do something that puts other people's lives at risk, there would be little time in my life to do anything else.




Every day riding to work I see some cars driving in the bus lanes (during hours of operation), illegally parked creating bottlenecks, stopped over the stop line obstructing box junctions, advance stop lines and pedestrian crossings, racing to beat ("beat" sometimes meaning nip through just after red) lights etc. I also see some cyclists cutting through red lights or pavement-hopping.


If every incident was posted in here it would be a long (and very boring) thread.


However, I also see many drivers driving responsibly and safely, and exchange a "good moring" with other cyclists stopped at the lights.


The reason the minority driving badly or aggresively concerns cyclists however is that unlike in a car where a cut up could mean a little inconvenience exchanging details to get a scratch or ding repaired, it could mean time in hospital or worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Momentary lapse of judgement" I wonder if the same would apply to a momentary lapse of judgement with a samurai sword?






A veteran trucker who caused a brilliant young Cumbrian scientist’s death in a road accident has had his driving ban cut.


Peter McCurry was described in London’s Appeal Court as a lorry driver with an impeccable driving record since his teens.


That was until his tipper truck ploughed into 27-year-old Dr Kate Furneaux, from Brampton, as she cycled on Stanningley Road, in Bramley, Leeds, in July last year.


McCurry, 60, failed to notice Dr Furneaux as she came past on his inside lane, dragging her bike for 100 feet along the road after it became “tangled up in the wheels” He had no inkling of the accident until he was pulled up by an eye-witness in the next street, Judge Francis Gilbert said yesterday.


McCurry never shirked guilt for his crime, the court heard, “accepting full responsibility for what occurred”.


Judge Gilbert, sitting with Lord Justice Moore-Bick and Mr Justice McCombe, said McCurry’s victim had just completed a science doctorate at Leeds University and was on the cusp of a “full life and career”.


Her mother, Beth, had written an agonising victim impact statement, speaking of the “terrible loss” caused by the death of her and her husband’s only child.


McCurry, of Oakroyd Road, Bradford, was jailed for 24 weeks at Leeds Crown Court in March after admitting causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving. He was also banned from driving for three years. His case reached the Appeal Court as McCurry challenged his driving ban. He has already been released from his prison sentence.


His lawyers argued the ban was excessive and would have a devastating effect on his livelihood.


Judge Gilbert noted McCurry’s previous clean driving record, although observing that his crime involved more than a “momentary lapse of judgment”.


He cut the driving ban to 12 months, also scrapping an order that McCurry retake his driving test before being allowed back behind the wheel.


Dr Furneaux’s father Phil, a science teacher at Brampton’s William Howard School, and mother Beth, a former Labour Carlisle city councillor, live in Tree Road, Brampton. They described her as their “perfect daughter”.

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I'm back to cycling to the city centre from some time next week for the next year. The car can stop it's 80 miles a day and sit on the drive Monday - Friday (which will net me 50 quid a week in beer money).

I might start wearing my helmet cam (for snowboarding) and see if I get any interesting footage.

I bet I get the cyclist who goes through the reds every morning on Langsett Rd at 0730 if I'm up early enough :-)

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I might start wearing my helmet cam (for snowboarding) and see if I get any interesting footage.

I bet I get the cyclist who goes through the reds every morning on Langsett Rd at 0730 if I'm up early enough :-)


I'm sure YouTube can't wait for that thrilling footage. :roll:

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