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Council and fencing??

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Hi , I just wondered if anyone knew wether or not the council would fence off my mothers garden? She disabled and on benefits, on friday a staffy cross and a pitbull thing got on to her garden, they live near her and had chased a cat onto her garden, previous to this happening my 3 yrs old and her puppy boxer had been playing on the garden, Anyway i went out to see if anyone was looking for these dogs, one of which , the pit bull thing had jumped on to another garden so only the staffy thing remained, it was at the top of my mums garden where theres a gap so i thought if i showed it the gap it would leave but the vile dog got nasty and growled at me, so i locked it in the garden till its owners turned up , who did apologise but didnt seem to think it was a problem!, anyway the top of my mums garden is just trees ( big ones) so its impossible for us to dig down and put posts in, but i was wondering as its a council property would they do it? Obviously my mum is worried now for incase they get back on while shes out with her pup! Any ideas :help:

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