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Religious extremists hate/fear of modern science

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Science has not been an entity (I know that's not the right description) until about 150 year ago and the sort of science I talk is the modern sciences including things like DNA, quantum physics, inter planetary exploration ect. Before that time science would have been seen as just exploring the wonders of Gods world, but now it has gone beyond that and science cares not about proving our dependants on God or religion, but on our dependency of the genes we are passed down, how we can tackle global weather or how we would intercept interstellar objects that may stray too close.


Science has no care for religion but how does that go down with religions, especially the older 'stuck in the book' religions.

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You are aware that 'modern science' was conceived in the East, h2m?

I am not trying to claim science for one side or the other, having started there you can not surely make the claim that its still the case that its the forefront of modern science in any way shape or form. The science you talk of would not have stepped outside of the understanding of the world created by God and if it did it would not have lasted long and could even be the reason its not. Maybe its religious suppression of science that has held it back in that region ? and it flourished in the west by the greed of capitalism and the freedom of the democratic system ?

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In line with the thread, does any one know or aware of how religion has effectively suppressed science.


How many books have been published in the islamic world since 1500 for instance as against how many books were published in those areas of the world before the muslims took over.

Did the Muslims take oevr in the 1500s? Where did they take over and where did they come from?
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The science you talk of would not have stepped outside of the understanding of the world created by God and if it did it would not have lasted long and could even be the reason its not. Maybe its religious suppression of science that has held it back in that region ? and it flourished in the west by the greed of capitalism and the freedom of the democratic system ?


I think you need to look up the history of modern mathmatics, Im not talking about bean counting.


Contrary to popular belief the cradle of civilisation is in the East, they had very advanced societies when your average Brit was still running around in diapers, chasing dinosaurs and trying to get his leg over Raquel Welch ;)


Western civilisation is still a relatively young phenomenon.

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1. Holy books are so vague they can be interpreted to mean anything. Here is a link confirming quantum physics was known about 1400 years ago and written in the koran. Strange how they wait until someone else does all the hard work and then they mention it.


2. Some people need religion so much, they will refuse to see anything that refutes their belief or they will see it as a test of their faith and still keep believing.

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I am not trying to claim science for one side or the other, having started there you can not surely make the claim that its still the case that its the forefront of modern science in any way shape or form. The science you talk of would not have stepped outside of the understanding of the world created by God and if it did it would not have lasted long and could even be the reason its not. Maybe its religious suppression of science that has held it back in that region ? and it flourished in the west by the greed of capitalism and the freedom of the democratic system ?

Your words say one thing and your intentions conveyed within the words say another H2M. You are attempting to superimpose your own impressions of the 'Eastern' religion with your notion of suppression onto an argument which doesn't quite fit. Your initial question was seeking an answer to whether it was the religious extremists needing to suppress science that was cause of the problems or was it in fact what seems universally accepted notion of Political medeling of the Western powers in the areas of the world which are inhabited largely by Muslims. My view is that you would have had the same reaction if inhabitants of places like Afghanistan or Palestine were of any other religion.


Your question then seemed to stop in it's tracks as far as seeking an answer was concerned and you decided that in fact not any religion but some how Islam is suppressing it's own people because of fear of the so called modern world, judging from your reaction to PT's reasonable enquiery. Hell you even have a troll jumping up and down trying to stirr things.:roll:


My answer to your qestion is simply that there is no way any religion can stop or even has tried to stop progress of science and your impression of that being the case is wrong. It's all political I tell ya!!!;)

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1. Holy books are so vague they can be interpreted to mean anything. Here is a link confirming quantum physics was known about 1400 years ago and written in the koran. Strange how they wait until someone else does all the hard work and then they mention it.


2. Some people need religion so much, they will refuse to see anything that refutes their belief or they will see it as a test of their faith and still keep believing.


Science has recently discovered that religious people are wired up different to none religious people.



Can't find the original article that showed the brain scans of none religious and religious people.

But the above link is just as interesting.

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Science has recently discovered that religious people are wired up different to none religious people.



Can't find the original article that showed the brain scans of none religious and religious people.

But the above link is just as interesting.


I saw that article. The NSS website, 'What the papers say' is a good place to check. There has to be some reason why people choose to believe fairy stories and fables without a shred of evidence.


Stopping teaching the 'one true religion in schools would be a start. There is a huge christiasn nutjob home schoolin'g movement in the USA and I have seen poor children in madrasses reading form the koran after a day at school. It should be banned. Freedom of expression my arse, its indoctrination.

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Your words say one thing and your intentions conveyed within the words say another H2M. You are attempting to superimpose your own impressions of the 'Eastern' religion with your notion of suppression onto an argument which doesn't quite fit. Your initial question was seeking an answer to whether it was the religious extremists needing to suppress science that was cause of the problems or was it in fact what seems universally accepted notion of Political medeling of the Western powers in the areas of the world which are inhabited largely by Muslims. My view is that you would have had the same reaction if inhabitants of places like Afghanistan or Palestine were of any other religion.


Your question then seemed to stop in it's tracks as far as seeking an answer was concerned and you decided that in fact not any religion but some how Islam is suppressing it's own people because of fear of the so called modern world, judging from your reaction to PT's reasonable enquiery. Hell you even have a troll jumping up and down trying to stirr things.:roll:


My answer to your qestion is simply that there is no way any religion can stop or even has tried to stop progress of science and your impression of that being the case is wrong. It's all political I tell ya!!!;)

A rarther details explanation of something that I myself am not aware of. You grant me with more credit than I am due, believe me I don't see things as complexly as you describe me being, I just had a thought which led to a question that I thought would be an interesting topic to debate. Both you and PT have me worked out but your conclusions of me are way off the mark, hence me getting defensive with PT for seemingly trying to steer what I'm actually saying into the rocks again.


Am wrong in thinking that modern science is in direct conflict with old religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam ? would it be fair to assume that there should be some hostility towards some of its findings if it is ?

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