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Life, some good books and things I think/have figured out..

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This last couple of weeks, has been amazing for me..


I have gone from a total downer, to a real high, and nothing has really changed in my life, i'm still unemployed, still have the same money problems, still have the same friends and family and relationships...


But after reading a couple of books (well, the synopsis and key pages/chapters, especially "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield, it might look like a religious book, but i'm one of the least religious people you will probably meet tbh) I have realised a few things, sort of multiple epiphanies (not sure how you would pluralise that?) but any ways..


most of the stuff I have realised, is things people have been telling me all my life, but I didn't really listen (like most people).. I guess I just wanted to find out for myself, and experience it for myself (after all, what purpose is there to life, if not experience everything you can?)


I know this sounds like I have 'found religion' or 'been on drugs' etc, and it did to me when I first thought about this, and first decided to type it out and share it.


I have recently discovered myself, which I guess i'm lucky because i'm not even 30 yet, and I know people who are 40, or even 50+ who havent yet found themselves, and I know what I want from life, from my life, I know where I want to be, and I know how to get there (I still have slight issues acting on what I need to do though, but i'm working on it :D)


I have realised that this "one chance, one shot" stuff is rubbish, I have had endless chances and opportunities for many aspects of my life, opportunities at happiness (two of which I semi-threw away, wasn't my choice in the end, but I certainly didn't help the causes), I have had multiple opportunities to get out of the financial rutt i'm in (and i'm almost there, should be sorted by end of June, hopefully :D), multiple opportunities to finally get my GCSE's (which like I said, I still have a slight issue on actually getting up and doing it at the moment) and various other qualifications..


so while this might seem like you get many choices, I have realised that they will one day run out, wether its you that will degrade to the point you can't do them, or they just don't present themselves any more, they will run out..


so, take the chance while you have it, and don't worry about multiple choices or forks in the road, because the choice you don't make, will present its self again later in life.. in the words of a very great author "don't panic"


Life has to be done in stages, get to point A, then to point B, don't try and throw yourself into achieving A, B and C in one go, because too much all at once is an overload.. however, not enough, will put you on a downer, because you don't see progress, and think things aren't going anywhere...


find that balance, and things will just fall into place, you won't need, or even want to force them...


don't let anything get you down, think about the here and now and tomorrow... not about 2 or 3 years (or more) down the line... until your at the place you know you want to be, then you can start long term and future planning..


any ways, all it boils down to is change your outlook on life, life won't change its self.. once you see things in a different way, you can see a clear path to turn your life round, get where you want to be, and be happy.. it does take work, but it will be worth it in the end..



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It's always nice to hear when people have an awakening. :)


I know it's not been easy of late, and people going on about positive thinking etc can be really grating when you're depressed (I've been on both sides of that one!) I'd second shaz112, there's always the danger of forgetting it now and then and lapsing into old patterns. I hope the new round of opportunities is just around the corner for you. They say luck is preparation meeting opportunity, so be prepared. :D

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Glad you've found yourself and find it a good thing Ghozer :)


Personally, I'd rather spend my life completely naive to reality.. people who are, seem better off.


i'm still naive to reality as far as other people go, why do I want to think about other problems when I have my own to sort out?... but for myself, thats a different story, and that is what matters...

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This last couple of weeks, has been amazing for me..


I have gone from a total downer, to a real high, and nothing has really changed in my life, i'm still unemployed, still have the same money problems, still have the same friends and family and relationships...


But after reading a couple of books (well, the synopsis and key pages/chapters, especially "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield, it might look like a religious book, but i'm one of the least religious people you will probably meet tbh) I have realised a few things, sort of multiple epiphanies (not sure how you would pluralise that?) but any ways..


most of the stuff I have realised, is things people have been telling me all my life, but I didn't really listen (like most people).. I guess I just wanted to find out for myself, and experience it for myself (after all, what purpose is there to life, if not experience everything you can?)


I know this sounds like I have 'found religion' or 'been on drugs' etc, and it did to me when I first thought about this, and first decided to type it out and share it.


I have recently discovered myself, which I guess i'm lucky because i'm not even 30 yet, and I know people who are 40, or even 50+ who havent yet found themselves, and I know what I want from life, from my life, I know where I want to be, and I know how to get there (I still have slight issues acting on what I need to do though, but i'm working on it :D)


I have realised that this "one chance, one shot" stuff is rubbish, I have had endless chances and opportunities for many aspects of my life, opportunities at happiness (two of which I semi-threw away, wasn't my choice in the end, but I certainly didn't help the causes), I have had multiple opportunities to get out of the financial rutt i'm in (and i'm almost there, should be sorted by end of June, hopefully :D), multiple opportunities to finally get my GCSE's (which like I said, I still have a slight issue on actually getting up and doing it at the moment) and various other qualifications..


so while this might seem like you get many choices, I have realised that they will one day run out, wether its you that will degrade to the point you can't do them, or they just don't present themselves any more, they will run out..


so, take the chance while you have it, and don't worry about multiple choices or forks in the road, because the choice you don't make, will present its self again later in life.. in the words of a very great author "don't panic"


Life has to be done in stages, get to point A, then to point B, don't try and throw yourself into achieving A, B and C in one go, because too much all at once is an overload.. however, not enough, will put you on a downer, because you don't see progress, and think things aren't going anywhere...


find that balance, and things will just fall into place, you won't need, or even want to force them...


don't let anything get you down, think about the here and now and tomorrow... not about 2 or 3 years (or more) down the line... until your at the place you know you want to be, then you can start long term and future planning..


any ways, all it boils down to is change your outlook on life, life won't change its self.. once you see things in a different way, you can see a clear path to turn your life round, get where you want to be, and be happy.. it does take work, but it will be worth it in the end..




Brilliant post Ghozer...A breath of fresh air on the forum actually. :)


You've changed the way you look at things and the things you have looked at have changed...I'm very happy for you! :thumbsup:


Keep asking yourself those questions in your quieter moments and have fun watching your answers change. :love:

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Nice post Ghozer. Wise words from a youngster! I expect you'll be shaving you head and wearing robes sometime soon ...


... after all, what purpose is there to life, if not experience everything you can?


exactamundo ...


"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life

as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."

Joseph Campbell


Experience as much as you possibly can my son. There will never be a substitute for real life experiences no matter how good imaginary or virtual life becomes.


"O for a life of sensations, rather than of thoughts!" John Keats


so, take the chance while you have it, and don't worry about multiple choices or forks in the road, because the choice you don't make, will present its self again later in life.. in the words of a very great author "don't panic"


Yes indeed - sieze the day ... but don't berate yourself for missed opportunities or failed ventures.


To love is to risk not being loved in return.


To hope is to risk pain.


To try is to risk failure,


but risk must be taken because


the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.


find that balance, and things will just fall into place, you won't need, or even want to force them...


Fulfilment in life is unlikely to be acquired by force.


Happiness is like a cat,

If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come.

But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business,

you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap.


don't let anything get you down, think about the here and now and tomorrow... not about 2 or 3 years (or more) down the line... until your at the place you know you want to be, then you can start long term and future planning..


"she'll be right, mate"


any ways, all it boils down to is change your outlook on life, life won't change its self.. once you see things in a different way, you can see a clear path to turn your life round, get where you want to be, and be happy.. it does take work, but it will be worth it in the end..


If you can change your mind, you can change your life.

What you believe creates the actual fact.

The greatest revolution of my generation

is the discovery that individuals, [that's me 'n' thee]

by changing their inner attitudes of mind,

can change the outer aspects of their lives.

William James, 1897 (!)


it does take work, but it will be worth it in the end..



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