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Dental Injections

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I hate going to the dentist with a passion but when I actually get in there I soon realise how much of it was in my mind. The injections might nip a bit at first but they are nothing much to get worked up about.


Agreed. The fear is often much worse than the reality.

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No they don't.


It's generally no more than a pin prick as it goes in and that's about it. However if it's your front, top row it'll make yours eyes water! But it's not painful.


Believe I've had lots of experience with them since I was a kid as I have crap enamel.


They do


Or at least they do when I've had them. I was offering my personal opinion which the OP asked for.

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My daughter who is 13, had to have 4 injections last week to have 2 teeth taken out, as she is having a brace fitted, he put 2 in either side of her gum and 2 in the roof of her mouth, those were the ones that hurt she said, but not to the point where it made her cry, just watery eyes, so, if a 13 year old girl can do it, im sure you can :D


I had teeth taken out for a brace when I was younger and I have to agree with your daughter-they chuffin sting, in fact they were quite painful, but not totally unbearable. I'm such a wimp too, I've got such a low pain threshold so I'm sure if I can do it and your daughter can do it then the OP can too. To be fair, once you're in the chair you've not got much choice :D


Good luck and try not to panic-although it bloody stings it's over really quickly! For me the worst part was the inability to feel my whole mouth for the rest of the day-dribbling is not a dignified past time :hihi:

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I've never felt actual pain when having a dental injection. Sometimes I don't feel anything and sometimes it is like a scratch. They tend to be worse if they are right at the back, but never been that bad.

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I've had a few fillings recently, the ones at the back, I didn't even feel the needle.

I had one filling in my front incisor and that needle stung. She put the needle up my gum towards my nose, it made my eyes water!

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About the only sensible post on this thread so far; however not only does it depend on all those things, but also on the individual himself; give two people an identical injection in an identical spot, and it's quite possible for one to feel agony and the other to feel nothing.


I totally agree. We are all different, so we feel pain at different levels.

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got a nice root canal to have on tuesday i hate normal injections i can stomach dental injections depending on the dentist they do hurt they the l;ast time i went to the dentist a old dentist now i had no injection for a root canal didnt hurt really but would have prefered to be numb

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