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Wild animals why cannot we live with them

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I've just read that link. It's amazing that we get all this uproar about foxes, but a plan to kill all the mink, and there's hardly a murmur. IIRC, there was the same deafening silence when they were planning to slaughter badgers wholesale.


Some animals are just more equal than others. The townies don't like these old country pursuits. Funnily enough, wasn't this whole mink problem caused by animal rights activists breaking into fur farms and releasing the animals into the wild, years ago?

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God said so, it's in the bible. Animals are ours to do with as we please.:)
Not actually, is it? Didn't he also say that he was mindful of even a sparrow? So he doesn't want you being cruel and nasty to them, better watch out.


I always liked the Native American's way of dealing with animals, they only took what they absolutely needed and apologised to the animal/bird for taking its life.


They were horrified when the white man came and decimated the buffalo and wiped out passenger pigeon with wholesale slaughter. They killed the birds for fun and target practice but killed the buffalo to try to starve the Native Americans to death.

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I've just read that link. It's amazing that we get all this uproar about foxes, but a plan to kill all the mink, and there's hardly a murmur. IIRC, there was the same deafening silence when they were planning to slaughter badgers wholesale.


Some animals are just more equal than others. The townies don't like these old country pursuits. Funnily enough, wasn't this whole mink problem caused by animal rights activists breaking into fur farms and releasing the animals into the wild, years ago?


The plan to kill Mink doesn't face widespread opposition because most sensible people can see that they are an introduced species that creates havoc amongst native birds and mammals.


There was widespread opposition to the badger cull. In fact Cosywolf started a thread, here, which some kind moderator made into a sticky. (Of course some people then kicked off about it being made a sticky.)


The petition got such support that Hilary Benn decided not to pursue the wholesale cull.

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Not actually, is it?


Yes actually, it is. It's right there in the first chapter:


"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

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Funnily enough, wasn't this whole mink problem caused by animal rights activists breaking into fur farms and releasing the animals into the wild, years ago?


They've been escaping into the wild for many years, but that event did provide a convenient focus point for furriers hoping to get off the hook.

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