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Drivers not noticing motorcyclists

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Yesturday whilst walking one of my dogs,10 cars went past of which 4 were on there mobile phones,the more years i'm on this planet the more i despair,at how stupid,inconsiderate and down right selfish some folks are.....

By the way it was 1 woman, 3 guys,and varied ages.....

What will it take for it to start sinking in that one stupid mistake could cost lives.............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggh

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The penalties for using your mobile phone whilst driving are obviously not working. I see drivers most days on their phones. Recently I saw a woman driving with the phone held under her chin speaking into it, she was driving around a corner and ended up half on the wrong side of the road.

Another woman pulled out on me at a blind give way, I beeped at her, then noticed she had her phone pressed to her ear, so I beeped at her some more.

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what about all them smoking in cars?with the window down arm resting on the door and driving with one hand,then throwing the butt on the road or wherever it finish up.also see many bikers riding with one hand and talking to. another biker at the side or them or just behind.the other day i saw a car do an illegal u turn on a main road,a police car just behind me must have seen it he just carried on.i suppose they are interested if the can get them for speeding.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Drivers who use phones are breaking the law. They have no full concentration, they use one hand which they should keep control of the car with. Fact. Smokers, however, drive while in a cloud of smoke, use one hand to put their cigarette in their mouth, and often close their eyes to draw the smoke, then exhale smoke in and around their faces. Am I wrong in seeing no difference

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Drivers who use phones are breaking the law. They have no full concentration, they use one hand which they should keep control of the car with. Fact. Smokers, however, drive while in a cloud of smoke, use one hand to put their cigarette in their mouth, and often close their eyes to draw the smoke, then exhale smoke in and around their faces. Am I wrong in seeing no difference


Very wrong.


Cloud of smoke? Please.


close eyes? Please.


Lots of people drive with one hand, no big deal.

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Why are people so quick to blame drivers all the time?


A motorcyclist is much harder to see than a car that much is obvious but there are motorcyclists who do not do themselves any favours because of the manner of their riding.


Some examples (from experience):


A motorcyclist undertaking me at traffic lights despite me indicating left a good 30 or 40 yards before turning (is that my fault if i hit him/ am i being careless there?)


A motorcyclist weaving in front of me in a motorway queue just as i was about to pull forward. He came from the thrid lane across the 2nd lane and straight into the inside lane. No indicator, no looking just pulled out.


A cyclist passing me on the right hand side as i was stationary, indicating to turn right at a set of lights. should not have been there. Again was it me being careless?


Was undertaken (yes undertaken) going round a bend in the peak district and then the biker had the audacity to wave the v sign at me as though it was my fault for "not seeing" him


Thankfully i have never hit a biker of any sort but if drivers need to think on then so do bikers.


As I see it (as a car driver and occasional cyclist, I've not ridden a m/cycle for years) - the two wheelers shouldn't be doing these daft manoeuvres. However, the drivers should always be aware of what others are doing, so, unless the two wheelers do something very quickly before the driver has time to react, then there shouldn't be a serious risk of a collision.

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surely driving with one hand is against the law,i knoe someone who got find far drinking a can of coke while driving.not sure of the statistics but does not the accident rate still keep going up?


We are having as many bumps and making as many insurance claims but the outcomes in turns of injury and death have improved.


Driving with one hand implies a lower level of control than having two-handed control. The HC suggests we should have full control of a vehicle at all times and the police will act against drivers if they see something that suggests actual or even potential loss of control.


Phone usage, hand-held, was just one more activity on top of eating, drinking, smoking that was felt needed to be acted against in law - such was the likely and actual explosion in phone use whilst driving.

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Looking but not seeing ... blindspots created by girth of window/door pillar ... blind spot in each eye (http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/blindspot1.html and http://www.driversdomainuk.com/advanced-driver/blind-spots.shtml) ... nothing new, really but that dot (2% of your field of vision in each eye) a few inches away from you becomes the front of a car 30-40 metres away or the head-on outline of a motorbike a lot closer.


Just give yourself the opportunity/time to see all that is there, turn/move your head (to scan effectively) and be aware of your blind spots.


I regularly use the motorcyclist's lifesaver glance/look even when driving a car

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