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British Airways union Unite announces 20 more strike days

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The mind boggles!


Athens is burning, The UK has an uncertain government, The UK economy is on it's knees, The Euro is in trouble, The Icelandic Volcano is still erupting and causing airline chaos.........and BA staff STILL insist on striking:suspect:


to be fair, against all these problems it doesn't really matter what the ba staff do

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Who cares about the worlds problems. BA Staff haven't caused the problems with the company, the management strategy has.


I don't care who you are, if you put years hard work into a job to have them turn around and threaten to remove salary/pensions/holidays/sick pay etc, every single one of you would have something to say about it.


Wind your necks in and keep your nose out - lets hope none of you ever have to be in that position where you wonder how on earth you'll pay the mortgage on the house that your kids live in as your employer is proposing to get rid of all your job security and comforts.

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to be fair, against all these problems it doesn't really matter what the ba staff do


I've amended my comment: I meant BA cabin crew, not staff since the cabin crew staff are the only BA department that is striking.


The BA strike will cause more travel misery and also damages their company still further.

The deal with Iberia isn't yet sealed, and further strikes are unlikely to help any.


I guess timing isn't BA cabin crew and Unite greatest strength.

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Wind your necks in and keep your nose out - lets hope none of you ever have to be in that position where you wonder how on earth you'll pay the mortgage on the house that your kids live in as your employer is proposing to get rid of all your job security and comforts.


Well actually I think plenty actually have experienced this, only some actually appreciate that business is business, and business is often harsh.


We are in tough times, most people have had to tighten their belts and make sacrifices and some have lost their jobs, we are where we are.

BA cabin crew and Unite need to wake up to economic reality.

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Wake up to economic reality?


Many experts in industrial relations have been very public and very vocal in their opinion that the BA CEO is trying to "Break" the Union and is not acting fairly.


I'm sure the Cabin Crew wake up to economic reality every day when they think about how much their mortgage payments are or how much the School Uniform will be when their kid goes to school next year. Anyone who is working with the threat of redundancy hanging over them deserves a medal if they have the ability to just get on with it and not let it worry them.


Do you even know the reasons why it was rejected?


FYI its because 50+ BA staff have been SACKED as a result of this action so far. The Union asked that all disciplinary cases go to an appeal hearing to be held by a third party such as Acas, but BA refused to agree. The charges in the great majority of cases are entirely trivial and barely worthy of a slap on the wrist, let alone the sack. This evidence of victimisation and draconian punishments are truly shocking in this day and age.


All Unite want is the same offer that BA took off the table when they moved the goalposts before the strike ever started. If your employer was about to make mass cuts and they tried to remove your redundancy package before hand, would you think this is acceptable?


BA Cabin crew are not responsible for the economic climate or the strategic decisions that have gone wrong over the last few years at BA. The frontline shouldn't have to pay for it when they have done nothing but work hard, generally speaking.

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Wake up to economic reality?



BA Cabin crew are not responsible for the economic climate or the strategic decisions that have gone wrong over the last few years at BA. The frontline shouldn't have to pay for it when they have done nothing but work hard, generally speaking.


Yes wake up to economic reality!


BA are losing millions each day, they lost millions during the ash cloud shutdown, they lost millions during the previous strikes, they lost hundreds of customers that will now choose another airline to do business with, BA have one of the largest pension deficits of any UK company.


The Iberia deal can be the one thing that secures the future of BA, and yet the BA cabin crew decide to go on strike, not only putting their own jobs at risk but also the jobs of all those working hard in the other BA departments.


The economic reality is that BA badly need the Iberia deal to come off.....

putting this deal at risk is kinda silly really.


Yep BA cabin crew Wake Up!:rolleyes:

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Yes wake up to economic reality!


BA are losing millions each day, they lost millions during the ash cloud shutdown, they lost millions during the previous strikes, they lost hundreds of customers that will now choose another airline to do business with, BA have one of the largest pension deficits of any UK company.


The Iberia deal can be the one thing that secures the future of BA, and yet the BA cabin crew decide to go on strike, not only putting their own jobs at risk but also the jobs of all those working hard in the other BA departments.


The economic reality is that BA badly need the Iberia deal to come off.....

putting this deal at risk is kinda silly really.


Yep BA cabin crew Wake Up!:rolleyes:


perhaps they have woken up

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OH GREAT! We're flying BA on the dates of the strike both there and back. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. It has been booked for months and months.


Does anyone have any sensible suggestions on where I would stand as a customer here? Should we hang on until BA know what they're doing or get onto the agent we booked with and get them to move us to another airline?

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