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Not allowed on School Trip with Children due to having no CRB check

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when you go on a school trip as a help they NEVER put you in the group with your own child, the reason for this is because if the was a emergency you would automaticly protect your own child above all the rest meaning if another child was in a more dangerous situation they would come to more harm due to your bond with your child, so giving the fact that its not your child you would be with but other peoples instead then yes i do agree you should be crb checked first both me and my husband are checked anualy anyway and its really not that expensive so if you feel that strongly then maybe you should get crb checked so for furture trips there is no problems and you could go!

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Pull your head out of your arse, i've not even used the word paedophile once.



There are a lot of people who would fail a CRB check who have custody of their children, it isn't just sexual crimes. A history of violence is another factor. The checks even run to the point of driving offences. I wouldn't like someone taking children in their car if they had convictions in their past for dangerous driving.

There's no such thing as a pass or a fail for a CRB check, it just returns a history of your police record.


I feel like i'm being pushed into a Brass Eye "nonce sense" box, and to be honest i don't hold that strong an opinion. I believe that 99.99% of parents who wish to help a school trip should be allowed, but then when that 0.01% breaks through and hurts a child then i know what will be said. People won't be so liberal then. My main point is that we live in a culture where people will litigate and we have to CRB check, because it is the best tool we have at present.

I think that the system should be scrapped as not fit for purpose and the proposed extension which would include approx 11 million adults should most definitely be abandoned.

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Doh! a CRB check does just that checks the criminal records, hardly an invasion of privacy unless you have a record in the first place :roll:


The idea that a 3rd party should have the right to check is in itself invading your privacy. The idea that you aren't safe to be around children unless the state says so is a bigger issue than privacy though.


Could the school not have compromised and said that non checked parents could come but would not be able to assist. They'd be present but not be expected (or allowed) to help the staff run the trip.

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There's no such thing as a pass or a fail for a CRB check, it just returns a history of your police record.

True, i have one. That is why i included some of the other convictions that would stop one working with children. Sexual assault and violence are the big ones, but smaller ones would have a factor in the decision. I wouldn't be happy sending a child on a day out with a man who sold drugs in his past, for example.


I think that the system should be scrapped

Maybe scrapped, yes. I'm aware it is highly flawed. There must be a way to improve the situation, i agree. I think it is silly to have numerous CRB checks for example, with numerous organisations, but these bureaucracies have an habit of turning inefficient.

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Pull your head out of your arse, i've not even used the word paedophile once.



There are a lot of people who would fail a CRB check who have custody of their children, it isn't just sexual crimes. A history of violence is another factor. The checks even run to the point of driving offences. I wouldn't like someone taking children in their car if they had convictions in their past for dangerous driving.


I feel like i'm being pushed into a Brass Eye "nonce sense" box, and to be honest i don't hold that strong an opinion. I believe that 99.99% of parents who wish to help a school trip should be allowed, but then when that 0.01% breaks through and hurts a child then i know what will be said. People won't be so liberal then. My main point is that we live in a culture where people will litigate and we have to CRB check, because it is the best tool we have at present.


This thread reminds me of this clip.

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