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Not allowed on School Trip with Children due to having no CRB check

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The detailed coalition agreement published on 20 May 2010 extends the list of systems the government will scrap or scale back in the name of civil liberties.


It says the vetting and barring scheme, used to check the backgrounds of people working with children and vulnerable adults, will be reviewed to "scale it back to common sense levels".


Seems like son of CRB is on notice.

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Being a convicted paedophile, school trips are one the few places I can get access to children without the busy bodies interfering. So I agree it is ridiculous.


(I'm not really)


At the risk of being seen to take your unfunny, juvenile post seriously, you've clearly never been near a school trip. The chances of being alone with a child are zilch. There's usually about half a dozen others showing you something they've found, telling you a joke, telling you they don't feel well, asking when lunch is or telling you about the terrible thing one of their friends has just done to them.

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There's usually about half a dozen others showing you something they've found, [...] or telling you about the terrible thing one of their friends has just done to them.

Making the odds of mikmouse spending his afternoon posting on here very small indeed.

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