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Do all christians not understand paganism?

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I have just had a lovely disscussion with two christians who came knocking at

my door, i invited them in, listened to what they had to say,questioned the bits i did not understand and felt i learnt a bit more about their religion in the process.

However, when they came to question me on my beliefs and i told them i was pagan their entire attitude changed, one of the women could not get off the sofa quick enough whilst the other gave me a look of something between pity,

fear and disgust, she told me that god hates all those who practice satanic worship and that i needed to pray daily in order for my soul to be redeemed.

I told her ( once again :rolleyes:) that paganism and satanism are not connected at all but she was having none of it and just kept telling me to pray through jesus to god before its too late. I held my hand out to her as they were leaving but she just looked at me like i was something nasty on the bottom of her shoe and said " I don't think so dear. "

This has left me feeling slightly baffled and a bit annoyed too so i would like to know what the christians on here think we pagans get up to?

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To a Christian, believing in any god other than Jehovah means believing in Satan, since he is the one masquerading as all those false gods in order to lure people away from the true god.


So their behaviour was entirely appropriate - for them. Paganism and Satanism are identical, to any Christian believer.

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I often get jehovahs witnesses visiting and having a chat. When they learn that I am a witch they act really interested. So far not one of them has had problems with my religion. Perhaps they are afraid I will curse them or something ;)

Had some christians approach me and when I told them I did not believe in their god they told me I needed psychiatric help. I just laughed.


I don't understand pagans either. Weird bunch of folk who sit on the fence as far as the occult is concerned - or at least pretend to sit on the fence.

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she was having none of it and just kept telling me to pray through jesus to god before its too late.


Perhaps you could have placated her by offering to sacrifice a chicken (or small child) in Jesus' name.

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I often get jehovahs witnesses visiting and having a chat. When they learn that I am a witch they act really interested. So far not one of them has had problems with my religion. Perhaps they are afraid I will curse them or something ;)

Had some christians approach me and when I told them I did not believe in their god they told me I needed psychiatric help. I just laughed.


I don't understand pagans either. Weird bunch of folk who sit on the fence as far as the occult is concerned - or at least pretend to sit on the fence.



I agree that SOME pagans are a bit weird but having been a practising witch for many years now i have yet to find a pagan ( or witch for that matter) who is so narrow minded in their approach to other religions.

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I agree that SOME pagans are a bit weird but having been a practising witch for many years now i have yet to find a pagan ( or witch for that matter) who is so narrow minded in their approach to other religions.


If you're a witch then say you are a witch - not a pagan. If you are a wiccan then say you are a born again christian - not a witch. The misuse of terminology is getting really annoying for some people who are, like me, easily annoyed. A witch is not a pagan and a pagan is not automatically a witch.

You should know all that if you have been practicing for any length of time.

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If you're a witch then say you are a witch - not a pagan. If you are a wiccan then say you are a born again christian - not a witch. The misuse of terminology is getting really annoying for some people who are, like me, easily annoyed. A witch is not a pagan and a pagan is not automatically a witch.

You should know all that if you have been practicing for any length of time.



I think you are a little obsessed with your teminology and i really do not feel the need to express the subtle difference between the two, as you should know if you are a witch then paganism is a way of life and witchcraft in an art.

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