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Do all christians not understand paganism?

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I don't follow any singular religion, i'm not a witch though the science behind it does intreigue me.


I would say i'm a Pegan / Wiccan hybrid if anyone asks, because I live by the ideals and way of life which they both contain, some from one, some from other and some common ground... the earth mother, rule of threefold, life sciences etc... I don't worship any god or greater being, I just chose how I want to live and those two fit closest... but as soon as I mention Peganism or Wiccanism people just sort of give this blank "oh" look and change the subject as soon as they can.


I have a huge interest in the paranormal and such things, and that doesnt seem to tie in with most people, but *shrug* meh, what do I care what other people think about me... its thier problem, either like me or hate me, but dont try and push your beliefs onto me :D (and no, i'm not self centered, I just dont care what other people think about me anymore :))


Good for you. Each person should choose what fits them best, and there is always room to expand ones knowledge without necessarily changing ones point of view.

My references to Pagans have been primarily addressed towards the Pagan Fed which had a requirement that members believed in a God and/or a Goddess (though I believe it was 'and'). There were other rules. When I spoke with a leader of the Pagan Fed I was told that I could just say I believed in a God and Goddess in order to become a member - which turned the whole thing into a bit of a joke in my opinion.

I think you do right not to be bothered what other people think about you. You choose your path and stick to it, and let it take you where it will. There are too many people who want to inflict their faith upon others, imposing their own laws and morals, and generally doing no-one any favours.

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I have a mate who calls himself an Odinist. Wears a hammer around his neck. I've not really talked to him about it too much. I know it's the old norse religion etc. and the eddas and I know some the characters names in them, but that's it.


What do you make of these guys?

(My bold.)


Tell him Odin didn't have a hammer. That would be Thor.

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We at the Church of the flying spaghetti monster dont care. Pastafarians neither agree nor disagree with any other form of religion we simply extend our noodly appendages out to everyone ;):D:D



...and what is the source of your belief?


Tomato & Basil?





Oops! I meant sauce, not source!:(

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Ahem.... nobody been turned into a toad yet :hihi::hihi:

I once picked up a female hitchhiker. In the course of the conversation, she told me she was a witch. I asked her to prove it. So she gave me a full on kiss - tongues and everything.






...and I turned into a lay-by.

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...ive friends of diffrent religions and although i dont share that with them id never dream of telling them they were wrong!

Go on. You know you want to.


It's such fun!

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In my schooldays (50s and 60s) choosing a May queen was a tradition, and I well remember the Maypoles. Wonder why it fell from favour?

Maybe the film from which this clip is taken helped...


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