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Do all christians not understand paganism?

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It depends on the believer and their age, and what they were brought up to believe in.


I'm a Christian and have no issues with any other religion.



That would make you a bad Christian, since the Bible is fairly clear on the subject of false gods, in both New Testament and Old.

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I am not the one who has to annonce to the whole forum several times what my faith,beliefs and religion is.

I could not give a fiddlers fart in high wind how much people know and if you were half as knowledgable as what you think you are then you should also know that witchcraft has many many paths and no amount of study will grant you a true way!

unless you are one of these "new age hippy witches" who do the whole degree thing :suspect:


I like people to know that I am a witch because I often post in support of christians and christian ideas, as well as on other religious topics that have nothing to do with my particular path. As with politics, where I recently made some comments in support of the bnp and was accused of being a life long member of that party.

Do you have a problem with people knowing the path you follow? I have not started any threads about my religion or about people who misunderstand my religion.

My bold - You are definitely a wiccan and not a witch then - but you don't really understand the difference. Lots of those who follow wicca think they are witches. That's fine. At least you should tell people you are a wiccan as opposed to a witch so they do not get confused.

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I really don't think I need to read up on it any more than what I have already. You obviously have not studied as much as you want people to beleive you have. Hey ho!

If you do not get offended by people thinking of you as wicca then you should not get offended when christians think of you as a satan worshipper


Did you even read the thread before embarking on your witch rage?


I have not said i am offended at being thought of as a satanic worshipper only confused and slightly annoyed.


Most of my discussions with you about religion have been quite civil but I see now that your enlightened attitude is only when discussing other religions. When discussing your own you become almost as narrow minded and unpleasant as Grahame. Don't listen to 'im norks.

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Nope. She's a witch. She has made that very clear to you already, and your arbitrarily refusing to accept her definitions and insisting on your own is achieving less than nothing.


Reminds me of when Grahame designates himself the arbiter of who is Christian and who is not.

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I have a mate who calls himself an Odinist. Wears a hammer around his neck. I've not really talked to him about it too much. I know it's the old norse religion etc. and the eddas and I know some the characters names in them, but that's it.


What do you make of these guys?


Didn't Odin trade his eye for knowledge?



(Who knows, maybe Nick Griffin did the same and got short changed?)

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I like people to know that I am a witch because I often post in support of christians and christian ideas, as well as on other religious topics that have nothing to do with my particular path. As with politics, where I recently made some comments in support of the bnp and was accused of being a life long member of that party.

Do you have a problem with people knowing the path you follow? I have not started any threads about my religion or about people who misunderstand my religion.

My bold - You are definitely a wiccan and not a witch then - but you don't really understand the difference. Lots of those who follow wicca think they are witches. That's fine. At least you should tell people you are a wiccan as opposed to a witch so they do not get confused.




:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Shall we just get the whole wiccan vs witch thing out of the way!


I do not class myself as wiccan because like you i do not agree with their ideas and concepts on things, however having said that. there is no one book for a witch to turn to and learn from, it is either past down from generation to generation or it is learnt from walking the many different paths in life.

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Did you even read the thread before embarking on your witch rage?




Most of my discussions with you about religion have been quite civil but I see now that your enlightened attitude is only when discussing other religions. When discussing your own you become almost as narrow minded and unpleasant as Grahame. Don't listen to 'im norks.


I have not even mentioned my religion. Nice one. So perhaps you can tell me what my religion is - in light of the fact you are all understanding. I have not quoted from my religion, nor tried to impress upon others that my path is the correct one. I have mentioned terminology and that is it.

Show me my references to the path I follow. In fact - it's an open bet that no-one on here, based on my posts, has any idea about the path I follow.


My narrow mindedness concerning my own religion does not come into the discussion at all as I have made no mention of it to anyone, and have not used it as a basis for any of the content of this discussion.


If you can find anywhere that I have put other religions down - including those of other paths than me, then please show me.

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