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Do all christians not understand paganism?

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:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Shall we just get the whole wiccan vs witch thing out of the way!


I do not class myself as wiccan because like you i do not agree with their ideas and concepts on things, however having said that. there is no one book for a witch to turn to and learn from, it is either past down from generation to generation or it is learnt from walking the many different paths in life.



So what are we arguing about?


I forget. It's my old age thingy. :hihi:

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That wasn't hard.


that would be exhibit B


Now you are showing that you are trolling. I did not say what a pagan wanted to be - only that they were wannabes. And saying I dislike the term "Blessed be" is hardly having a go at someone for their faith now is it.


If you are going to troll then at least do it where you may have a bridge to stand on.

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Of course I am obsessed with the misuse of terminology. Have you ever watched what a wiccan does? Scary stuff.

Dunno if they have changed but the old rules for joining the pagan fed were a bit ridiculous.

Being a witch is a way of life. Being a pagan is being a wannabe.

It is somewhat offensive to call either a witch a pagan or a wiccan.

But if we ignore the differences then how can you complain when christians ignore the difference between witch or pagan and devil worshipper?

Make your mind up whether terminology is important to you or not - and if it is not then don't blame others because they get the wrong idea about what you are.

'pagan' is a term used by Monotheists to describe all poly and pantheistic religions including those who regard themselves as witches, even if they declare "Being a witch is a way of life".


There is nothing wrong with the terminolgy norks used.


Modern druid or the old school druid?


Modern druid don't really have a clue about druidism but like to follow the wicca way. Actually they are great fun and very nice people - at least the ones I know. I would not call them pagans to their face, but often think of them as such.

All druids are "modern", so little evidence exists of the druids repressed by the Romans that no one claiming to be a druid today can accurately claim to be an "old school druid" they're all just doing stuff that was made up in the early-modern & modern periods.

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'pagan' is a term used by Monotheists to describe all poly and pantheistic religions including those who regard themselves as witches, even if they declare "Being a witch is a way of life".


There is nothing wrong with the terminolgy norks used.


Yeah - I know how to use google as well funnily enough - not that I need to.


Strangely enough there are dictionary definitions and then there are widely held definitions and the two do not often meet.


All druids are "modern", so little evidence exists of the druids repressed by the Romans that no one claiming to be a druid today can accurately claim to be an "old school druid" they're all just doing stuff that was made up in the early-modern & modern periods.


Well let's just call it a matter of faith ;)

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Now you are showing that you are trolling. I did not say what a pagan wanted to be - only that they were wannabes. And saying I dislike the term "Blessed be" is hardly having a go at someone for their faith now is it.


In what universe is calling someone a wannabe not an insult?


And you may not have said what they wanna be but the fact that the clause preceding it was "Being a witch is a way of life" there's a pretty heavy implication as to what you meant.


I'm not trolling I'm just making an observation, that you have double standards when i comes to discussing things that are close to your religion. It reminds me of when Grahame talks about the other abrahamic faiths.

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My question was asked to christians as to what they think pagans get up to, i am however interested in your terminololgy of all pagans being " wannabe"


First and foremost i am a pagan who practices the art of witchcraft, i do not get offended in the slightest when someone calls me wiccan {even though i do not agree with them and their practices}.


I have not said i am offended at being thought of as a satanic worshipper only confused and slightly annoyed.

From a more full on Xian perspective all non-Christian worship can be said to be Devil worship in that whilst you may genuinely mean well & have what seem to be genuine spiritual experiences with what seems to be loving god/s you are in reality being led astray by the devil who is tricking you to lead you astray from the one true path to salvation which is Jesus.


Such is the political influence of faiths such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism... few mainstream Xians openly make such claims about them. Northern European pan & polytheistic religions however have next to no power & so Xians feel free to openly attack you.

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