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Do all christians not understand paganism?

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In my schooldays (50s and 60s) choosing a May queen was a tradition, and I well remember the Maypoles. Wonder why it fell from favour?


I remember it from the late 60's and early 70's too..


Grahame you do realise you are running the risk of being turned into a toad or worse by talking to these heathen ?? :hihi::hihi:


wanna buy some god tears I caught earlier when it was raining ;)


The question was simple from the OP... Do you "YES" or Do you not "NO" understand them ? ;)

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i think Jehovas Witness would treat anyone like dog muck if they didnt share there beliefs, i mean lets face it it's so pushy disturbing people at home then standing on there door step arguing with them when there asking you to leave!


the worst pair ive ever come accross was a nightmare i answered the door and politely stated sorry but i dont believe in god,,,,, and wow nearly half an hour of them refusing to leave,


questions such as if there is no god where did the flowers in your garden come from (my answer b & q) and the clothes on your back jesus provides (my answer erm no love new look and i provided the cash not jesus) and the car you drive its all jesus (again no love it was mass produced and paid for by me as im the one that provides for my self)


seriously everyone has there own ideas on life and no one has the right to force there own beliefs on others, ive friends of diffrent religions and although i dont share that with them id never dream of telling them they were wrong!

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I don't see why christians in this country would have any problem with paganism since christianity incorporates pagan beliefs.

Most churches in this country are built on pagan sites and finding a church that hasn't got a sneaky jack in the green/green man hiding about itself is almost impossible, most occasions on a christian calendar are hijacked pagan festivals.

All these things make me proud that no matter how the church may have attempted to destroy the native beliefs of this fine country it failed.


I myself am a cross between elementalist, spiritualist and other beliefs that don't pidgeon hole easily.


I once opened the door to two Jehovas witnesses and listened calmly to their beliefs before telling them of mine, they were very understanding and in no way did they try to belittle me they were on the whole very nice people. plus the girl was hot:love::love:

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If you consider yourself an expert in these matters, then perhaps you would be good enough to run your eye over this for me.


norks is an expert on this, and there is a weeks worth of reading there! :gag:


John X

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Could any christians please explain why they think that paganism and satanism are the same?


Ignorance, pure and simple. I would say most Christians haven't been exposed to either pagans or satanist and as someone said earlier in this thread, if you don't worship their god, then you must be either "lost" or "unclean", so to speak. Its the "either you're with me or against me" thing.

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In my schooldays (50s and 60s) choosing a May queen was a tradition, and I well remember the Maypoles. Wonder why it fell from favour?



In wiccan and SOME witchcraft beliefs the maypole is connected to the sabbat of Beltane, the pole itself is symbolic of the male phallus. The whole beltane festival is based on fertility and such and often the young men and women would dissapear into the woods to ....erm "practice" fertility after having danced around the maypole. Perhaps with the rising of wicca in the 50's and 60's its true meaning came to light and the schools decided to stamp it out :hihi:.

I still think it is a very beautiful thing to watch and it is a shame that it seems to have dropped off.

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I'd never turn someone into a Toad , under the law of threefold return such a act would rebound on me three times worse , politician , lawyer , Jehovas Witness ... something along those line probably :)


I love this threefold invention. Makes me chuckle.

Nothing wrong with turning someone into a toad but best make sure you get the brew right in the cauldron or you could end up creating a toad kissing craze for those females who are having problems finding a partner. I said toad kissing - not toad licking.


Nothing wrong with Jehovahs witnesses though so not sure why they come in the list. Would probably be politician, lawyer, health and safety brigade. :hihi:

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I think you are a little obsessed with your teminology and i really do not feel the need to express the subtle difference between the two, as you should know if you are a witch then paganism is a way of life and witchcraft in an art.


here here.....


I don't follow any singular religion, i'm not a witch though the science behind it does intreigue me.


I would say i'm a Pegan / Wiccan hybrid if anyone asks, because I live by the ideals and way of life which they both contain, some from one, some from other and some common ground... the earth mother, rule of threefold, life sciences etc... I don't worship any god or greater being, I just chose how I want to live and those two fit closest... but as soon as I mention Peganism or Wiccanism people just sort of give this blank "oh" look and change the subject as soon as they can.


I have a huge interest in the paranormal and such things, and that doesnt seem to tie in with most people, but *shrug* meh, what do I care what other people think about me... its thier problem, either like me or hate me, but dont try and push your beliefs onto me :D (and no, i'm not self centered, I just dont care what other people think about me anymore :))

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