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Pullins Endcliffe Pk


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well 1.50 per kids ride shame you dont all think this when you go to the pub and pay nearly 3 pound a pint or whatever arnt kids allowed to grow up with what we had you are all kill joys and its ppl like you all that kill this kind of thing what would happen if the fairs went altogether well that would be summat else thats gone from our history but never mind al the industy gone anyway so why not the fairs GROW UP AND SUPPORT THESE PPL who work so hard to bring entertainment to your park i know the owner of farrars funfairs and he works dam hard for ppl to enjoy the fair so stop moaning if you dont like them stay away simple

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well 1.50 per kids ride shame you dont all think this when you go to the pub and pay nearly 3 pound a pint or whatever arnt kids allowed to grow up with what we had you are all kill joys and its ppl like you all that kill this kind of thing what would happen if the fairs went altogether well that would be summat else thats gone from our history but never mind al the industy gone anyway so why not the fairs GROW UP AND SUPPORT THESE PPL who work so hard to bring entertainment to your park i know the owner of farrars funfairs and he works dam hard for ppl to enjoy the fair so stop moaning if you dont like them stay away simple


Wow, you have a lot of anger to vent on here.


As far as I can see, there is nothing but peoples opinions on the thread, which unfortunately for you, they are perfectly entitled to.


Whilst it doesn't make much difference to me personally as I don't have kids but I am too old to be going on the rides, I remember even when I was little my Dad would only let me go on the rides once in a blue moon because he thought they were expensive.


Also, you say that the owner of the funfair works hard - I don't think anybody is doubting this. It must be hard work manning the rides come rain or shine, in the rain and the cold and good for him for still wanting to do it. I don't think there is any need to get yourself worked up over this!


Pops on Mod hat for a moment - please can you also try not to use text speak on here as well (e.g. "ppl") as some Forum members will find it hard to understand what you are saying. Thanks

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well 1.50 per kids ride shame you dont all think this when you go to the pub and pay nearly 3 pound a pint or whatever arnt kids allowed to grow up with what we had you are all kill joys and its ppl like you all that kill this kind of thing what would happen if the fairs went altogether well that would be summat else thats gone from our history but never mind al the industy gone anyway so why not the fairs GROW UP AND SUPPORT THESE PPL who work so hard to bring entertainment to your park i know the owner of farrars funfairs and he works dam hard for ppl to enjoy the fair so stop moaning if you dont like them stay away simple


hark at you............


too expensive...


yes i know they have overheads, and need to earn a living, and i like to see the rides etc and happy kids, but its the cost. i saw loads of kids there on sunday but the rides were empty.


and dont tell me to stay away if i moan, ever heard of free speach?

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I for one am relieved. Parks should be for kids to kick a ball around, mess about in the stream or play in the playground. Instead of which, whenever I take mine down to Endcliffe Park we have an argument about me not letting them go on that rip off bouncy castle. It's bad enough with the temptation of the ice cream van, but an outing to the park should not involve having to either remonstrate with the kiddies or part with cash.


It doesn't mean the end of the rides though as someone will win the tender (maybe pullins) so there will still be a fair in Endcliffe park. I'm not saying its good or bad just pointing it out really :)

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