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Cameron the new prime minister

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Today is a great day. Times ahead will be tough, the outgoing Labour government has made sure of it. At last Cameron & Clegg can now get on with tackling the huge problems facing the country instead of burying heads in the sand. When the cuts come, and they will, it will be necessary. Sure they will be vilified by the Labour supports with their head still in the sand thinking things could just go on as they were. Thank goodness their sort are now out.

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Not to mention I have gut feeling Cameron isn't going to give a damn about the unions


...a consummation devoutly to be wished. Union blackmail of companies was a large and imposing factor in the economic implosion of the 1970s; God forbid that we would ever allow that to happen again.

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A rich Tory Public Schoolboy Toff running the country. What a nightmare ! Do you honestly think he will do anything to help working class people ? Get real. The rich will get more rich and the bankers will get even richer ! And as for Haigh as our Foreign Sectetary ! Don't even think about it. The original Tory boy ! His horrible voice just makes me wanna puke !!

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All you sheffielders just have to realise that cleggy just couldnt resist the strong and potent smell of power .... he has succumbed to the dark side...


i hope you all feel a bit ill .....


rock on cameron. !!!


No. Clegg has previously called for consensus politics. This requires being prepared to enter talks with other parties if necessary and compromise where necessary - and remember it takes 2 parties to compromise. Once the opportunity arose, had he failed to try and reach a consensus he would have (correctly) been criticised for not living up to his commitment to consensus politics. When it came to the crunch, if he was not prepared to compromise then the Lib-Dems would be seen as a complete waste of space - there would be no reason for anyone to vote for them in future if they were known as the party who wanted electoral reform, but turned their back on a chance to achieve it.


For Clegg and the Lib-Dems there is a sniff of electoral reform. It may still come to nothing, and would set the Lib-Dems back (and politically destroy Clegg) if it does fail. I think that when parliament votes on whether to put reform to a referendum, there is a good chance it would be defeated - it would depend on whether the conservatives whipped its MPs to vote for a referendum. If not, I wouldn't be surprised if Labour whipped against referendum (despite some members being in favour), purely to try and scupper the Con/Lib-Dem alliance.

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Given that they will not want another 13 years or more out of office, i do think in this first term at least the conservatives will do everything in their power to sort out the mess, if they do nothing after that at least they did something and i for one was cringing at the thought of 5 more labour years.


You cant teach an old dog new tricks, but we have a few youngsters now who are not afraid to rock the boat.

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Well back to slash and burn politics, here we go my prediction is:


~High unfair taxes that screw the least paid to give tax breaks to people who have too much money already.

~Record Breaking unemployment.

~Lower pay for those who are employed.

~Riots in the streets.

~Public services run down and left unfit for purpose.

~Schools and other public buildings left to ruin.

~Advantages only for those who have lots of money and sod the rest.

~Gated villages to protect wealthy people who use their money to steal from others.

~Ridiculous schemes designed to force people to work for nothing.


I do hope I'm wrong but the thought of the conservative ideal imposed on us fills me with horror.

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