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Cameron the new prime minister

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A rich Tory Public Schoolboy Toff running the country. What a nightmare ! Do you honestly think he will do anything to help working class people ? Get real. The rich will get more rich and the bankers will get even richer ! And as for Haigh as our Foreign Sectetary ! Don't even think about it. The original Tory boy ! His horrible voice just makes me wanna puke !!


Do you mean Hague, from Rotherham? I wonder how many 'Tory boys' went to school in Wath. :huh:

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Ideally, if Labour had been willing (which they were not) a Lib-Lab alliance.


Since, that wasn't an option anymore, I would have preferred the Conservatives to be in a minority government, and the Lib Dems to vote with the best interests in mind, I don't think in the situation right now any party is going to try and outright block anything that is in the best interests of out Country, sort of as if taming the Tories while maintaining our independence.


the numbers didn't add up, it needed the support of the minor parties and they didn't seem to want to commit. i think if the numbers added up then they would have gone for labour.


a minority government wouldn't have lasted beyond a few weeks and wouldn't have been able to do anything except watch the markets collapse.


a coalition will make it hard for one party to cut and run if things get too tough, so in a way its not surprising that they have gone for it

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Finally.......I have no Idea whats going to happen now, but after this election and seeing how a fair proportion of sheffield hate the cons.....i want them to do well.....then we will see if sheffield has anything to complain about, ....like it seems to always do.

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Ideally, if Labour had been willing (which they were not) a Lib-Lab alliance.


Ed Balls made it clear that the decision was taken out of Labour's hands - it was the LibDems who walked away. Although I agree, there was increasing pressure within Labour not to touch a deal with a barge pole.

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