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Cameron the new prime minister

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Cleggy going to be deputy PM. Brilliant news for Labour!!!:hihi:


There is lots of speculation about this, although "Sky sources" which are distributed this rumour told us that Al-Megrahi had died several months back and ran breaking headline news for several hours........ only to find he hadn't died at all.......and is still alive today.


The Mail suggests otherwise:


"The Prime Minister is expected to hand Nick Clegg the role of Leader of the Commons, with a mandate to push through the reform of the political system.


Contrary to earlier speculation, it is thought Mr Clegg will not be given the titular honour of Deputy Prime Minister – a post previously held by John Prescott, Michael Heseltine and Clement Attlee."




I guess time will tell who really has the correct information.

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Ummm, i was just thinking, if people want political voting reform.......and we may never get a majority goverment because of it......dont people want this coalition to work, as it may become the norm.


I shouldn't bank on voting reform. If there is a referendum the Tories will invest heavily in campaigning for rejection. The LibDems have little money left after the election campaign and I'm guessing Labour will be happy to sit it out but with an empahsis on rejection. Lose a referendum and it is off the agenda for a long time. Lib Dems need to be careful what they wish for!

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I shouldn't bank on voting reform. If there is a referendum the Tories will invest heavily in campaigning for rejection. The LibDems have little money left after the election campaign and I'm guessing Labour will be happy to sit it out but with an empahsis on rejection. Lose a referendum and it is off the agenda for a long time. Lib Dems need to be careful what they wish for!


Possibly....but labour still have the upper hand when it comes to seats v votes....etc....with the lib dems way last,.....so the cons may work something to even up the cons and labour.....which pushes up the lib dems...but not by much.

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Well back to slash and burn politics, here we go my prediction is:


~High unfair taxes that screw the least paid to give tax breaks to people who have too much money already.

~Record Breaking unemployment.

~Lower pay for those who are employed.

~Riots in the streets.

~Public services run down and left unfit for purpose.

~Schools and other public buildings left to ruin.

~Advantages only for those who have lots of money and sod the rest.

~Gated villages to protect wealthy people who use their money to steal from others.

~Ridiculous schemes designed to force people to work for nothing.


I do hope I'm wrong but the thought of the conservative ideal imposed on us fills me with horror.


You don't have to be nostradamus to realise the above. Don't forget the wholesale privatisation of the nhs, schools and whatever else they can think off. more teaching assistants less teachers, more special constables less police officers, laws to make us work until we are 70. More wars , more crime, more cameras/surveillance , more poverty, more trials without jury, more terrorist laws, more dumbing down.


One person who seemed terribly happy was the queen. She even wore her star of david diamond brooch for cameron, which was nice.

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