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Cameron the new prime minister

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You don't have to be nostradamus to realise the above. Don't forget the wholesale privatisation of the nhs, schools and whatever else they can think off. more teaching assistants less teachers, more special constables less police officers, laws to make us work until we are 70. More wars , more crime, more cameras/surveillance , more poverty, more trials without jury, more terrorist laws, more dumbing down.


One person who seemed terribly happy was the queen. She even wore her star of david diamond brooch for cameron, which was nice.


Is there anyway we can set something up on this forum where we tick which of those policies get pushed through.....if they do :) .....which is doubt lol

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the numbers didn't add up, it needed the support of the minor parties and they didn't seem to want to commit. i think if the numbers added up then they would have gone for labour.


a minority government wouldn't have lasted beyond a few weeks and wouldn't have been able to do anything except watch the markets collapse.


a coalition will make it hard for one party to cut and run if things get too tough, so in a way its not surprising that they have gone for it


I'm glad they've gone for a formal coalition and not just an informal agreement. It might commit them for a longer term. Nobody will want to be seen to be pulling out, particularly while the economy is in such a bad state.

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Will NEW Labour still exist? Maybe the old dinosaurs will come out of the woodwork with a call to return to the party's "roots".


"New Labour" is dead. And there are few "dinosaurs" left in the party (certainly far fewer than in the Tory party). This is a great opportunity for the Labour party to resurrect itself while the Tories and Lib Dems grapple with the country's and their own problems, internal and co-relational. Unfortunately, I don't see any potential leaders within the Labour party who are capable of taking it by the scruff of the neck and giving it a good slap in the face. No matter what you think of Blair and Brown, they were politicians with force and gravitas, who could effect change within their party. The likes of Milliband, Johnson, Balls are pale shadows, and will have no power to control and unify the party, and will have little appeal to the country at large.


The voters have decreed that we must live in interesting times...

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You don't have to be nostradamus to realise the above. Don't forget the wholesale privatisation of the nhs, schools and whatever else they can think off. more teaching assistants less teachers, more special constables less police officers, laws to make us work until we are 70. More wars , more crime, more cameras/surveillance , more poverty, more trials without jury, more terrorist laws, more dumbing down.


A nice summary of 13 years of Labour.

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Clegg Is deputy

Liam fox is Defence

4 posts for lib dems

New Budget in 50 days

Cons give into lib dems 10,000 tax free

No National insurance rise

No Mansion Tax which lib dems wanted

Tax free for millionaires thingy.....is rejected

Trident to be reviewed......but no like for like replacement

Plans by lib dems to join euro scrapped

5 year fixed term goverments agreed

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Is there anyway we can set something up on this forum where we tick which of those policies get pushed through.....if they do :) .....which is doubt lol


All the policies will lead to the above but it won't be advertised in neon lights , it will be spun as a necessary evil. Wake up

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Finally.......I have no Idea whats going to happen now, but after this election and seeing how a fair proportion of sheffield hate the cons.....i want them to do well.....then we will see if sheffield has anything to complain about, ....like it seems to always do.


I'm in my late 50s and have always voted since I've been old enough. I've never voted conservative, and never even come close to voting for them. But I'm not one of those rabid anti conservatives who blames everything on Maggie.


I'm pleased with the way things are turning out. I wish the Con/Lib-Dem coalition succeeds.

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You don't have to be nostradamus to realise the above. Don't forget the wholesale privatisation of the nhs, schools and whatever else they can think off. more teaching assistants less teachers, more special constables less police officers, laws to make us work until we are 70. More wars , more crime, more cameras/surveillance , more poverty, more trials without jury, more terrorist laws, more dumbing down.


Thanks for the run down on Blair and Browns achievements over the last 13 years. Now what about Cameron. :roll:

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