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Cameron the new prime minister

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Ed Balls made it clear that the decision was taken out of Labour's hands - it was the LibDems who walked away. Although I agree, there was increasing pressure within Labour not to touch a deal with a barge pole.


Each side is sure to blame the other when negotiations fail.

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I'm in my late 50s and have always voted since I've been old enough. I've never voted conservative, and never even come close to voting for them. But I'm not one of those rabid anti conservatives who blames everything on Maggie.


I'm pleased with the way things are turning out. I wish the Con/Lib-Dem coalition succeeds.


I wish it every success too....i have voted labour in the past, but wasnt happy with how they were performing. I think we need to hope this works, and hope they sort this countrys finances out. I just sometimes find that sheffield is too negative in many aspects and bring up memories that should really be laid to rest, or it will never go forward.

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Clegg Is deputy

Liam fox is Defence

4 posts for lib dems

New Budget in 50 days

Cons give into lib dems 10,000 tax free

No National insurance rise

No Mansion Tax which lib dems wanted

Tax free for millionaires thingy.....is rejected

Trident to be reviewed......but no like for like replacement

Plans by lib dems to join euro scrapped

5 year fixed term goverments agreed


Well one good thing, all those middleclass lib dem voters will lose their child tax credit . Mind you not many have families , most are gay and lesbian!!!!!

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Amidst all this Hooh-La-La of a new P.M. and a new government, let us all spare a moment to think about our departing Wise Men---the men AND women who have sacrificed so much, in the last 13 years, to put this little Jerusalem of ours, where it is today.


What will become of them ? Does anyone know ? Does anyone care ? Will they find employment suited to their skills ?


Do we really want to see ' Oor ' Gordon, shivering in a crumbling vicarage, in the wilds of ' Bonny ' Scotland, warming his hands by a flickering candle ? Mr. ' Two-Fist ' Prescott sweeping the litter-strewn streets of Scunthorpe ? Our ' Little ' Darling, the new tea-boy at a NatWest bank ? Ms. Harman, Assistant Deputy Burger Flipper at MacDonalds ?


Remember, not what these people have done for YOU, but what you can do for THEM ! If you can help in any way, send your large contributions to NuLabour Investments [ Chairman--A. Blair ]-----or if you 're skint, vote them in at the next election !

Rule Brittania !!

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I shouldn't bank on voting reform. If there is a referendum the Tories will invest heavily in campaigning for rejection. The LibDems have little money left after the election campaign and I'm guessing Labour will be happy to sit it out but with an empahsis on rejection. Lose a referendum and it is off the agenda for a long time. Lib Dems need to be careful what they wish for!


I agree, but they've no option but to try.

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Well one good thing, all those middleclass lib dem voters will lose their child tax credit . Mind you not many have families , most are gay and lesbian!!!!!


Only if they earn over £50k. There is also a proposal for tax breaks for gay and lesbian couples in civil partnerships who will also be able to have a fully recognised marriage. How nasty is that?


Have you actually read the Conservative policies that you're knocking?

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Each side is sure to blame the other when negotiations fail.


I agree, but arguably it is in Labour's interest to have taken the moral high ground and walked away as they had no mandate (indeed this is how part of their narrative has unveiled during the day). Ed Balls position might suggest that the Labour negotiating team blew it. I actually think he is boxing clever and suggesting to disaffected LibDem supporters that their leaders still had a choice.

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