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Vote Lib/Dem Get Tory

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Yes I voted (like an idiot) for the Lib Dems as a protest vote to keep the Tories out after watching the TV debates and listening to their policies and the media who reconed that the Lib Dems could pull off an extra ordianry resuilt.


Well it was an extra ordinary resuilt allright, The Lib Dem leader got lubed up and asked the Tories 'where do you want me'

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You are proposing we treat it as a protection racket of the "poor" - pure and simple. No right minded person should even consider that a viable way to run a civilised country.


I agree totally that we need to make strong cuts in the wider benefits system though and that JSA is a bit of a sideshow in terms of £'s.


Opposed to us paying a protection racket run by the rich.


It's simple, pay your taxes and the taxman won't have your pants down, finger your arsehole and put you in a cell, he'll pay enough money to the poor to stop them robbing you anymore after he has took his share, if they do, he'll take their pants down, finger their arseholes and put them in a cell (Or he'll subcontract it to another person know as a Police/Prison officer and pay them to do it with the taxes he has took from you).

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Its ok to tax people but this country does not know when to stop.


It must be that we are just gullable or something I imagine, I mean just look at what you have to go through to be a driver in this country as a case in point.


Anyone remember when the suppermarkets tryed to bring in jeans in bulk that were cut on tax ? and how cheap they were before the Govt put the stoppers on it ?

That woke me up to just how much we must pay on everything in this country. You end up having to stop thinking about it in the end for your own peace of mind.

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Opposed to us paying a protection racket run by the rich.


It's simple, pay your taxes and the taxman won't have your pants down, finger your arsehole and put you in a cell, he'll pay enough money to the poor to stop them robbing you anymore after he has took his share, if they do, he'll take their pants down, finger their arseholes and put them in a cell (Or he'll subcontract it to another person know as a Police/Prison officer and pay them to do it with the taxes he has took from you).


Paying for more prison places sounds like it has a very good return on investment in terms of money and misery saved.


...the Home Office has previously estimated* that half of all serious crime is committed by around 100,000 persistent offenders. Each one commits an average of 90 serious crimes every year. Yes, that's right - 90 (see here).


But of those 100,000, only 20,000 are in prison at any one time. The rest are out among us, free to crack on - raping, pillaging, whatever takes their fancy.


The obvious solution is to build another 80,000 prison places (doubling the current number) and keep these persistent offenders inside. Permanently.


At the current average £40 grand per place, that would cost us £3.2bn pa.


Because quite apart from the high trauma regularly inflicted on innocent hard-working families, the Home Office itself reckons the loss and damage to property is now running at well over £100bn pa. Which makes the prison bill look like peanuts.


It's time. Broken Britain or not, we demand some proper cost effective justice.



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Yes I voted (like an idiot) for the Lib Dems as a protest vote to keep the Tories out after watching the TV debates and listening to their policies and the media who reconed that the Lib Dems could pull off an extra ordianry resuilt.


I suspect that a fair few Conservative voters are just as unhappy that they didn't vote to have 5 Lib Dems in the cabinet having listened to Lib Dem policies.


Perhaps there now needs to be a referendum put to the nation about who is happy with this coalition.

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Paying for more prison places sounds like it has a very good return on investment in terms of money and misery saved.






When locking up persistent offenders.


Spending £100 billion+ on locking up the 2.51 million unemployed would be the actions of LUNATIC. We would also need to increase prison capacity 2400%.


Also given the relationship between housing and crime, Labour might have done well to increase the amount of social housing rather than reduce it. They managed to continue the largest prison building programme since Victorian times (the one started by the conservatives).

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Vote Libdem = a vote to water down the worst of what the torys would do. Cleg is making the best of a bad situation imo.


But why couldn't he have done that in opposition? His party hold the balance of power so they could have voted for the Tory policies they agreed with and effectively blocked the ones they didn't.


In order for bills to proceed through the house of commons there would have to be a proper debate and the arguments won or lost.

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