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Vote Lib/Dem Get Tory

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Why? Why did they have to go with any party? The Conservatives could have formed an administration and taken their chances. Why did the Lib Dems feel that they wanted to prop up a Tory government?


Chiefly because forcing another election on a public that's already given its political verdict is highly likely to see the Lib-Dem vote collapse, whereas being seen to act on that political verdict and support the largest and strongest party is an act of clear political maturity.


It's a big upset to the people who hate Tories and voted for whoever they thought would beat a Tory candidate, but who actually voted for Lib-Dems are very happy indeed. Their party is in power for the first time in thirty years, and significant power for the first time in over seventy.

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This is the way it is in most countries with proportional representation. You get deals with unlikely parties. Anyway doesn't matter because it won't last. Just because there are both parties in the cabinet office, doesn't mean the back benchers are in agreement. There are some very angry conservatives and some very angry liberals. When it comes to the crunch are the back benchers really going to vote for policies they are fundamentally against?

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Does anyone else, who voted Lib Dem feel a little betrayed by the fact they've swung to the Tories?

Do you feel your vote has been "used" without your consent to aid the Tories to get into Government?

I certainly do.

I feel SHAFTED!!

Sign this petition if this is the case.


I didn't vote for a Tory Government, but thats what I FEEL and is ONLY MY OPINION my vote has been used for.


What would have happened if they hadn't swung to the Tories? They wouldn't even be in opposition. At least this way, some of the policies that Lib Dem stand for that you voted for stand a chance of seeing the light of day.

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So now we know for sure - vote lib/dem locally and you get tory policies vote lib/dem nationally and you get a tory government.
What would you have said if Clegnut had gone with Labour; "oh my god a labour-libDem' government"?

What would you have said if Cameron, who is Britain's plebiscite went to n°10 without Clegg?

If you're silly enough to vote LibDem then now you can at least be happy he's in the coalition government rather than not at all which is what should have happened.

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I'm waiting to see how things turn out before I get too up-in-arms about it. I'd have preferred a Lib-Lab coalition but with the way the voting went that was never a realistic proposition. If Nick Clegg sticks to his principles and is able to temper some of the Tories' more evil instincts perhaps things won't be so bad. On the other hand if he lets himself get swept along by his new found power and just goes along with the Tories things could be very bad indeed.

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If you're silly enough to vote LibDem then now you can at least be happy he's in the coalition government rather than not at all which is what should have happened.


Rather condescending don't you think?. People have good reasons for voting the way that they do and you call them 'silly' without even saying why. Would you care to bestow your obviously superior intellect upon us and tell us why they are all so silly?

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I'm waiting to see how things turn out before I get too up-in-arms about it. I'd have preferred a Lib-Lab coalition


WHY for goodness sake?


Labour's manifesto offered nothing but more false promises.


I can't think of a single thing they have achieved whilst in power?!?


An absolute disgrace to our great country.

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This is the way it is in most countries with proportional representation. You get deals with unlikely parties. Anyway doesn't matter because it won't last. Just because there are both parties in the cabinet office, doesn't mean the back benchers are in agreement. There are some very angry conservatives and some very angry liberals. When it comes to the crunch are the back benchers really going to vote for policies they are fundamentally against?


The alternative is to vote for a general election that will most likely see them thrown out of Parliament for being idiots and breaking up a viable coalition. The general public don't like having repeated elections.


So, which way do you think they will vote?

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I dont know too much about politics...but does this result mean, genuine people that aren't well off or genuine people on benefits are going to face misery and hardship...

And the well off will be even more well off...isnt that what the tories do???

Also Cameron has already spoke about cuts cuts and more cuts, to anyone on benefits such as the disabled or pensioners this is all a bit scary..:(


Has Clegg abandoned most of his policies to get into bed with the tories??...if that's the case then we should be worried about a transparently dishonest man.....:mad:

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