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Vote Lib/Dem Get Tory

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WHY for goodness sake?


Labour's manifesto offered nothing but more false promises.


I can't think of a single thing they have achieved whilst in power?!?


An absolute disgrace to our great country.


Then with all due respect, you need to think a little harder...

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Does anyone else, who voted Lib Dem feel a little betrayed by the fact they've swung to the Tories?


Not at all, it's exactly what I expected to happen.


Do you feel your vote has been "used" without your consent to aid the Tories to get into Government?


Nope, because it was widely reported that that would happen if there wasn't an overall majority.


I certainly do. I feel SHAFTED!!


I can't see how unless you didn't have a clue what was going on.


Sign this petition if this is the case.


I didn't vote for a Tory Government, but thats what I FEEL and is ONLY MY OPINION my vote has been used for.


Completely pointless.

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Camerons money is involved with banking. Both Clegg and Cameron are sons of Bankers. You don't have to be in government for you and your friends to damage the economy. I wish I could be more optimistic about Liberals being a check on Tory Policy but when you have someone of Cleggs background who has openly praised Margaret Thatchers government I see only a government in turmoil and a Liberal Party in turmoil.

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Does anyone else, who voted Lib Dem feel a little betrayed by the fact they've swung to the Tories?

Do you feel your vote has been "used" without your consent to aid the Tories to get into Government?

I certainly do.

I feel SHAFTED!!

Sign this petition if this is the case.


I didn't vote for a Tory Government, but thats what I FEEL and is ONLY MY OPINION my vote has been used for.


I agree with you I voted lib dems and would never vote conservative, yet thats what I have ended up with.

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Actually, they're against people who are capable of working turning down work. I fail to see what is wrong with that.


What if they get paid less than benefits.


£55 YTS - bus fare = less than benefits.

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Camerons money is involved with banking. Both Clegg and Cameron are sons of Bankers. You don't have to be in government for you and your friends to damage the economy. I wish I could be more optimistic about Liberals being a check on Tory Policy but when you have someone of Cleggs background who has openly praised Margaret Thatchers government I see only a government in turmoil and a Liberal Party in turmoil.


i think the word bankers has a silent w in front of it:hihi:

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I just think the face of british politics has changed, all the parties are no longer what they were in their original form. We've entered a new era of british politics, and hopefully its going to be one that will listen to the people and make decisions on what benefits the country and not themselves. It's kind of refreshing after the last bunch.

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