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Yet they only offered a referendum on the Alternative Vote.



Apart from the referendum has nothing to do with proportional representation.



By plans you mean set up a committee to have a look at the prospect of such a thing...



Well thats one I guess.



You use the Christian Science Monitor as your source, odd.


What for, the Christians were crushed in this election along with BNP.

The nation doesn't want them or care about them.


Your fantasising is over matey. HAIL THE PRAGMATISTS!!!!

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What for, the Christians were crushed in this election along with BNP.

The nation doesn't want them or care about them.


Your fantasising is over matey. HAIL THE PRAGMATISTS!!!!


2/3 of what you posted was wrong.


Oh and can I ask, what was I "fantasising over"?

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You had not written anything other than what was quoted by me above when I commented-nice editing.


I disagree with second homes because they decimate communities in holiday areas and take a home away from the market pushing the prices up. People don't need two homes. We are having to build all over the countryside so that people can buy homes. I dont care about people trying to keep money from the taxman, and the pensions argument could have been avoided if labour hadn't ruined the pension funds but its too late for that now. I stand by my original thoughts.


Everyone to their own, I trust that you have never entertained renting a holiday home, thus making you complicit in a practice that you disagree with. And of course, you would never sell your home to an investor, irrespective of the offer amount, would you?


I retire from my full time job tomorrow, I took a package of statutory notice, statutory redundency and unpaid holiday pay. With this and a part time consultancy position, I should be able to leave my decimated private pension to hopefully recover lost ground, and access it along with my state pension in two years time. We bought a flat (that our son currently lives in) a few years ago, in order to give us the option of accessing the equity in our home, if push comes to shove, anything wrong with that?

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Everyone to their own, I trust that you have never entertained renting a holiday home, thus making you complicit in a practice that you disagree with. And of course, you would never sell your home to an investor, irrespective of the offer amount, would you?


I retire from my full time job tomorrow, I took a package of statutory notice, statutory redundency and unpaid holiday pay. With this and a part time consultancy position, I should be able to leave my decimated private pension to hopefully recover lost ground, and access it along with my state pension in two years time. We bought a flat (that our son currently lives in) a few years ago, in order to give us the option of accessing the equity in our home, if push comes to shove, anything wrong with that?


As it is only a change in the tax you can buy as many houses as you wish but you will be charged more for it-no problem


no I don't rent holiday homes but they are not the same as second homes.

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2/3 of what you posted was wrong.


Oh and can I ask, what was I "fantasising over"?



The 'daddy in the sky' theory. The supporters of that theory WILL be removed from the house of lords. Those fantasists WILL have to go to the electorate

if they want to keep spouting their lies.

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As it is only a change in the tax you can buy as many houses as you wish but you will be charged more for it-no problem


no I don't rent holiday homes but

they are not the same as second homes.[/



Yes they are, if someone buys one as a holiday bolt hole and funds the expenses through letting it out.

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Disappointed to see no mention of PR. Damn!


me too, however the great repeal bill takes a lot of the sting out of it, no NIR, no ID cards, no contactpoint, no second generation biometric passports, regulation on CCTV - we might get some decent telly instead of this endless "CCTV Cities" dross, DNA of innocents not to be retained unless a violent sexual offence was committed and then for five years, abuse of terrorist legislation reined in and lots more, pretty much everything I've been p*ssed off about for the past 13 years is going


I'll hold off on the champagne and dancing naked until it's all actually gone though, politicians have disappointed me before by saying one thing and doing something else


and there's always the take back parliament guys, last I heard if they get a million signatures on the petition then it's promised that a bill will be tabled, not sure how true that is but it's worth a shot

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The 'daddy in the sky' theory.[/QUote]

What do you mean and how have I been "fantasising over" it.


The supporters of that theory WILL be removed from the house of lords. Those fantasists WILL have to go to the electorate

if they want to keep spouting their lies.


Ok... but what does this have to do with my fantasies?

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2/3 of what you posted was wrong.


Oh and can I ask, what was I "fantasising over"?



Where was it wrong and then prove it, not the way you try and prove what 'daddy in the sky' said.



Christian Candidates and Election Results

OK, for anyone interested in how the Christian candidates have faired this election:


Clwyd West: Rev Dr David Griffiths – Christian Party – 239 votes – 0.6% of vote – 6th place


Western Isles: Murdo Murray – independent Christian candidate – 1,412 votes – 9.6% of vote – 3rd place


Cardiff North: Derek Thomson – Christian Party – 300 votes – 0.6% of vote – 6th Place


Barking: George Hargreaves – Christian Party – 482 votes – 1.1% of vote – 6th place


Cardiff South & Penarth: Clive Bate – Christian Party – 285 votes – 0.6% – 8th Place.


Brecon & Radnorshire: Jeffrey Green – Christian Party – 222 Votes – 0.6% of vote – 6th Place


Central Croydon: James Gitau – ex-BNP Christian Party – 264 votes – 0.5% – 8th place


Lincoln: Rev Robert West BNP – 1,367 votes – 3% of vote – 4th place


Pontypridd: Donald Watson – Christian Party – 365 votes – 1% of vote – 6th Place


Vale of Glamorgan: John Harrold – Christian Party – 236 Votes – 0.5% of vote – 7th Place


Ynys Mon: David Owen – Christian Party – 163 votes – 0.5% of vote – 7th Place


BOLTON SOUTH EAST: Navaid Syed – Christian Peoples Alliance – 195 votes – 0.5% of votes – 7th Place


Brentford & Isleworth: Navaid Syed – Christian Peoples Alliance – 195 votes – 0.5% of votes – 7th Place

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Where was it wrong and then prove it, not the way you try and prove what 'daddy in the sky' said.[/Quote]


What are you on about?


I don't believe in God and secondly and I am Liberal Socialist, like always you are talking nonsense.

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