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Greek contagion to spread to the UK

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And why is he posting on SF - given his success in predicting the future of the UK economy I'm surprised he hasn't be snapped up by one of the big finance houses :hihi::hihi::hihi:




Indeed, he claims to live in Baaaaaaaaaaarnsley too. Must be a smokescreen, he's really a wealthy tax exile!

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"The game’s up". Couldn't have put it better myself.


Nowt like the France I've seen (every year for the last 20 or so) - they've gradually developed their infrastructure since the 80's and it seemed to tail off two or three years ago. There might be the odd place that hasn't been improved but these are few and far between.

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Spain set for credit rating downgrade


Spain's crisis-struck economy is set to lose its top credit rating, held since 2001, in a downgrade expected from Moody's by the end of the week.


The credit rating agency is expected to cut Spain's Aaa rating to Aa1 or Aa2. A one-notch cut would put Moody's ranking on a par with Fitch Ratings' AA+ classification, while a two-notch reduction would equal Standard & Poor's.




The unraveling keeps going right on schedule.

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  • 1 month later...

Getting closer to home now.


Ireland to apply for bail-out


Brian Cowen resists calls for resignation over Irish debt crisis


Ireland Bailout Within 2 Weeks, Portugal in 1 Month says RBS


Gee, speaking of RBS I wonder if that particular bank (y'know, the bank we the taxpayer bailed out and whose chief executives just paid themselves massive bonuses) is heavily over invested in the Irish economy. Hmmm..., I wonder...


Still, I don't know what they're worried about, they should take a lead from us, we don't give a fig about debt on this side of the Irish Sea, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


Debt Crisis May Sink Euro Warns EU President


Deficit commission co-chairs warn of Greece-like debt crisis in US


First Athens, now Dublin. Will Lisbon and Madrid follow?


Ahh.... :(

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Portugal next, then Spain according to Morgan Stanley.


Morgan Stanley’s Fels Sees Spain as Target If Portugal Rescued


Portugal will need a bailout and investors will then focus on Spain as there’s “little to stop the contagion” from Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis, said Joachim Fels, co-chief global economist at Morgan Stanley.


“I think investors have lost confidence in the ability of Portugal to turn around its situation, so it looks like Portugal will be forced into the EFSF,” Europe’s bailout fund, Fels said today in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Inside Track” with Erik Schatzker. “I think the focus is now on Portugal and then I think the markets will turn to Spain.”




The markets know the danger of having eyes bigger than your stomach. They prefer to feed on one country at a time.







The clock is ticking for the UK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One I didn't anticipate, Belgium.


Eurozone debt crisis spreads to Belgium on rising political risk


Europe's debt woes have moved closer to the core of monetary union after Standard & Poor's threatened to downgrade Belgium over the failure of Flemings and Walloons to form a government.


The warning comes a day after the International Monetary Fund said Belgium "urgently needed" to control spending as public debt pushes above 100pc of GDP. "A clear plan is needed to contain contagion from abroad," it said.




As Yeats said, "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold".

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Speeding up now. Spain has been given advance warning of a downgrade.


Spain faces threat of debt downgrade


Spain suffered a further blow after Moody's, the credit rating agency, warned it could downgrade the country's debt on worries over its high funding needs, public finances and banks.


The move by Moody's to put the country's Aa1 rating on review on Wednesday, comes a day after investors demanded higher interest rates to hold Spanish debt in €2.5bn bond auction and Standard & Poor's threatened to downgrade Belgium.


The euro fell on the announcement.




As the Emperor Palpatine said in Return of the Jedi, "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

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And why is he posting on SF - given his success in predicting the future of the UK economy I'm surprised he hasn't be snapped up by one of the big finance houses :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Well one benefit of the wikileaks news reports is we have found out the bank of England warned Brown of a world economic downturn well in advance.

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