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David Miliband announces candidacy for Labour leadership

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We await to see if Andy Burnham and Ed Miliband as well as any others declare their candidacy, including Harriet Harman, Jon Cruddas and Ed Balls.


I believe Alan Johnson* has today ruled himself out and thrown his weight behind David Milliband.


Esdit: * which means my vote is up for grabs in the leadership contest!

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Balls' is sat on a very small majority so i doubt he will stand.


Party leaders tend to grow their constituency popularity rather then lose it.


I seriously hope there is a real contest this time to give Labour some credibility in the future.

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He should have done that a few months back and maybe Labour would have seen off the Tories without the Brown wieght around its neck.


I agree! But saying that I don't think Miliband is the right choice, perhaps Labour should try winning more of the womens votes by electing a Female Labour Leader:rant:

You never know she could be another Margaret Thatcher! First Female Labour PM.


You could have Yvette Cooper PM and Ed Balls Deputy PM.

Now that would be a proper marriage!

Better than Cameron and Clegg :hihi:

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I like what Andy Burham has to say and Yvette Cooper is a good choice; Balls has too small a majority to risk the leadership. There is always Douglas Alexander who worked hard during the election.


I am not too sure about the Millibands, there is something not quite right there. Too groomed for the position. I wish they would go back to wearing their glass too.

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labour will never get back in power so the question will not come up.cameron and clegg you will see in the years to come will put together a voting system to suit them.no i can see now in the labour party or coming through would not inspire anyone.cannot believe everybody as forgot about the expenses scandal as you see the very same politicians get jobs in the so called new government,including the two leaders.

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I wouldn't be so sure of that. it's not like they've been reduced to the utter rump the Tories were in 1997, with no hope of ever coming back for a decade. They still have a formidable number of MP's.



Ah, but the constituency boundaries are being redrawn so that all constituencies will be about the same size. That will wipe out a large number of Labour seats before we even consider who's going to vote for whom.

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I am not too sure about the Millibands, there is something not quite right there. Too groomed for the position. I wish they would go back to wearing their glass too.


The Milliband duo appear to be the defective result of a genetic experiment.

Two cyber pups with tails to wag but no balls to catch.

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