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Small Business with something to Sell to Ladies??


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Anyone with a small business that might be of interest to a mass of lovely ladies at our charity ladies night fancy coming along to Ponds Forge Sheffield, Friday June 25th...??


We will be having some stalls scattered around the big event room and wondered if there was any one who might want to come along?


We already have a Bodyshop stall and Ann Summers stall and a Yummylicious cupcake stall but anyone that sells perfume or handbags might be useful or any other ideas welcome?


Were asking anyone that comes along, to donate 20% of there profits on the night (no sales no donation) to the charity..... but other than that its all completely up to you and your free to advertise your things till the cows come home!!!



Let me know if your interested or even if you want to donate a prize for our raffle on the night??


Any donations from a business will be publicised on the night!


All funds to Help for Heroes


Thanks :):)

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Hi,I was just wondering if you could give me more information on your charity event please.

Could you tell me how many people you are expecting to attend the event?.

What time will the event start and finish?

Has the event been widley advertised?

I sell Hand made unusual fashion jewellery.




I look forward to your reply

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Hiya, Thanks for your reply!!


The venue at Ponds Forge Skyline Suite hold 150 people, were having a sit down meal, a fashion show, some dancers, and the main event is a man auction!


It starts about 7pm and the bar closes at 1am (but you wouldn't need to be there until then)

We're selling tickets for £25 and there selling fast....it's mainly being advertised at local businesses...around the office that I work and at Ponds Forge!


Thanks, Shel x

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