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Why do poor people keep voting Labour..

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God no wonder all the labour supporters are miffed, they only narrowly beat an "also ran" party and currently have less power than them. Now I understand all the anger:hihi:


You’ve got it as we will find out next time when they are returned to a “also ran “party again


Past tense, they gained a lot of support after Cleggs charismatic appearances in the TV debates but normal service will resume now that people realise they have been letdown, back to these days::-



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No, it's quite clear that it's already funny. You seem convinced that no one voted for the LibDems because they think they'd be the best party to run the country.

There's proof right here that you're wrong, lots of posters vote LD because they offer better policies and a better idealogy than the alternatives.

These voters are obviously happy that a coalition was formed and fairly ambivalent in most cases as to which party it was formed with.

There may be tactical voters who voted LD to stop either of the other parties winning a seat, but these voters are a minority and of that minority only approx half will have been voting LD to stop the conservatives winning a seat.

Your statements about betrayal are all based on this half of a minority actually being the majority of LD voters, hence clearly a pretty funny world you inhabit.

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Why do poor people keep voting Labour?


Here's a better question; why do rich people, people who like to bully others and people who consider themselves better than anyone else keep voting Tory?

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What about all the other Tory voters, the normal middle class, those who don't vote lib dem, but are otherwise sensible, well adjusted adults? Don't you want to know why they vote Tory?

I suppose that asking about them would spoil your attempted character assassination of Tory voters though.

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Why do poor people keep voting Labour?


Here's a better question; why do rich people, people who like to bully others and people who consider themselves better than anyone else keep voting Tory?


I bet your question doesn't generate as much heat though, strangely....


It's like when people get all swivel eyed about people who abuse benefits system. Yet if you were to say to the same people that more money in tax credits and benefits goes unclaimed, they would just shrug their shoulders.


I think some people are funny that way: quite happy to suck up to their social superiors yet so quick to put the boot in to those at the bottom of the pile.

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Why would anyone get upset at tax credits being unclaimed? Claiming benefit you're not due is fraud and theft, not claiming something you entitled to is perfectly legal if a little bit silly.


Tax credits & benefits often go unclaimed due to the stigma flying about honest people get tarred with the same brush as dishonest people.

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No, it's quite clear that it's already funny. .


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I was mocked and belittled in the “Bank charges Mega thread” for siding with the banks only to have my points of view agreed with when the powers that be threw out the claims and likewise when the electorate get another chance and we return to a two horse race with the Lib party making up the numbers .


Some people have short memories but I tend to remember things in my “funny” world ……………. He who laughs last and all that.



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I think you misunderstand why I think you're living in a funny world Malky. Even though I've explained it once already, I'll try again.

You think that everyone voting for the LD was voting tactically, clearly this is not true.

You think that the majority of tactical voters were voting against the conservatives and not labour, obviously not true.

You assert that most LD voters feel betrayed on the basis of the previous two false statements. Thus also not true.


The overall LD vote wasn't significantly changed from previous elections, what makes you think that there were many tactical voters and that 50% of them being dissatisfied will change anything at the next election?

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