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Why do poor people keep voting Labour..

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Which was continued and expanded by New labour.....but as I'm not a supporter of any of the political parties http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6242300#post6242300 then your point is totally irrelevent.;)

On top of that I never had you down as a Tory supporter.


A broken clock is right twice a day. BTW I am not a labour supporter. I just find your opening post and the continuing theme of your comments about labour to be ridiculous.


Ooops....now you've suddenly gone all Lib Dem on me. You'd do OK in this new coalition wildcat.


They ditched that Policy last year.


Or IOW, what you're wanting here is for everybody else, including low paid workers, to subsidise students going to university with the understanding that most people who complete their university courses will earn a lot more money than these low paid tax payers will ever earn.

Hmmm.....doesn't sound very fair to me.


Where have I said anything about taxing the poor?


Are you going to give us any ideas for how a Govt. can encourage the poor out of poverty?

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When the Con/Dems have finished, Cameron and Clegg consigned to the Jobcenter you will be praying for a return to Labour. Cleggy prances about like a two bob horse with a mere pocketfull of seats.

Cameron would have made a pact with the Devil to get the PM's job.

Time will tell................

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I have met a fair number of Tories on benefits. They tend to be Alf Garnett types, heavy on the prejudice and a little intellectually challenged. I am sure the diet of daytime tv doesn't help.



You're not wrong there, I bet there's a good few of them on this forum.

They probably support the Tories because they know that there will be a massive increase in unemployment, leaving them with an excuse not to get a job so they can watch TV and post garbage on here all day!

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When the Con/Dems have finished, Cameron and Clegg consigned to the Jobcenter you will be praying for a return to Labour. Cleggy prances about like a two bob horse with a mere pocketfull of seats.

Cameron would have made a pact with the Devil to get the PM's job.

Time will tell................



But Cleggy improved his share of the vote, Brown did not.


Did Labour lose the battle and win the war?


By Stephen Tall | Published 9th May 2010 - 3:20 pm

Only one of the three major parties emerged from this election with fewer votes than in 2005 and with a lower share of the vote: the Labour party.


In 2005, Tony Blair polled 9,562,122 (35.3%). In 2010, Gordon Brown polled 8,604,358 (29.0%). By contrast the Lib Dems went up from 5,981,874 (22.1%) to 6,827,938 (23.0%), and the Tories up from 8,772,598 (32.3%) to 10,706,647 (36.1%).


The figures do not lie: the Labour party lost this election.



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You claim that "poor people" = "gullible voters". Do you have any other condescending observations you'd care to share with us?


I wonder how Labour managed to win the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 if, as you claim, the party can only survive on the votes of poor people? :huh:


Because Tony Blair had (and still has) every appearance of being a Tory. Well spoken, public school educated, went to war over oil, taken up lucrative directorships, lives in Cadogan Square, nice house in the country too.....so he didn't frighten the middle classes!

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I'm not poor, and I vote labour. Mainly because their manifesto and future plans made the most economic sense! I seriously fear for the double dip recession as predicted by labour with the Tory's plans to cut spending before the recovery is assured.

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Ooooh loads.....but that's for another thread so please don't tempt me.




Because they had a Tory as their leader for all of that time who cosyed up to big business in a way that Thatcher could only have dreamed of.

Remember him.....Tory...er sorry...Tony Blair?


I'd agree with this, and it also makes your original point moot, seeing as there is no Labour party anymore.

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You claim that "poor people" = "gullible voters". Do you have any other condescending observations you'd care to share with us?


I wonder how Labour managed to win the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 if, as you claim, the party can only survive on the votes of poor people? :huh:



1997 - tories were washed up with respect to going forwards despite a good innings. Tony B had a bit of charm. A change is as good as a rest... In you get!

2001 - things still going ok so in they stay! (read, the stability bought by the previous tory regime still had momentum!!!)

2005 - Tories still had no decent leader. We'd still not had a recession yet and everything looked ok because Labour were selling all our stuff and getting us into debt like in the 70's....

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You see the thing that always amazes me with politics and bear in mind im not an avid politician fan is that in general if someone else doesnt agree with an individuals opinion that makes them wrong and dumb?


What people have to remember is each party has different benefits what will benefit a certain kind of people.


As for the countries record you seem to be forgetting that all of these things such as chavs, immigration, single mothers, etc thats simply a minority a very big one at that never the less.


It is essential to remember that each person votes a particular party for 1 of 2 reasons 1 is that they personally agree with there methods and promises 2 is that although they may not necessarily agree with all of there benefits some of them do suit there personal circumstance.


And just remember no-ones vote is wrong and it doesnt make them dumb because its what suits them individually

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:rant: Hey! My dad (microbiologist, four-eyed bearded computer nerd) voted Labour!


I'm saying nothing.


In all seriousness though, Labour MPs did push through some very important legislation on equality and labour rights over the past decade and a bit.


Surely a good sign of what the previous government did right, if you agree with the new incumbent's policies, would be that such legislation isn't reversed...

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