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Why do poor people keep voting Labour..

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:rant: Hey! My dad (microbiologist, four-eyed bearded computer nerd) voted Labour!



The OP is not questioning intelligent people voting labour, only dumb ones. Presumably he is expecting dumb people to vote for one of the other parties!


EDIT : NB Originally posted in reply to thread "Why do dumb people vote Labour?" (now merged)

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Nope - these people largely believe that all politicians are in it for themselves - they do like simple answers - thats the ones aware of politics.


They don't support anybody.


That's a crass over-generalisation. There are obviously some on benefits that are like that but certainly not all.

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A broken clock is right twice a day.


And is wrong for the other 23 hours and 58 minutes. Are you comparing yourself to a broken clock wildcat? Your arguments seem about as accurate.:D


BTW I am not a labour supporter.


That doesn't surprise me. You appear to be more left wing than most Labour supporters.


They ditched that Policy last year.


I know. In light of recent events, pretty good timing don't you think?


Where have I said anything about taxing the poor?


You haven't.....I have.


Are you going to give us any ideas for how a Govt. can encourage the poor out of poverty?


It depends what you mean by poverty. Do you consider somebody earning £15000 a year working 37 hours or more per week to be in poverty?

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I'm not going to pretend that I completely understand what you're all talking about as this is the first year I've actually been interested in the elections but I do want to tell you all of an observation that I've made over the last couple of weeks. Whenever I speak to people and this subject arises, when I ask labour voters why they voted labour the majority have answered "because my mum and dad have always voted labour".


Is it possible that labour got so many votes in these elections through mis-guided loyalty to parents? Because it seems to me that it was a big part of it.


Like I said, I'm brand new to this and don't want a debate I just wanted to mention the reasons that were given to me.


To say that you are brand new, you have an insight in to what has actually happened.


many people are guided ( or misguided ) by their parents. I was one of them.

Luckily, I have a mind of my own and refused to carry on the family tradition of socialist voting..

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And is wrong for the other 23 hours and 58 minutes. Are you comparing yourself to a broken clock wildcat? Your arguments seem about as accurate.:D


Quite clearly the reference was to the Tories policy of expanding access to education not myself.


As for the accuracy of my arguments, your selective quoting to avoid the majority of my points tells a rather different story.


I know. In light of recent events, pretty good timing don't you think?


If you knew, why did you make a false claim?


You haven't.....I have.


Why did you make the claim about my views then?


It depends what you mean by poverty. Do you consider somebody earning £15000 a year working 37 hours or more per week to be in poverty?


I would use the standard definition of poverty used by people like the Rowntree Trust.

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To say that you are brand new, you have an insight in to what has actually happened.


many people are guided ( or misguided ) by their parents. I was one of them.

Luckily, I have a mind of my own and refused to carry on the family tradition of socialist voting..


I too turned my back on the family tradition of voting Tory. Luckily I saw the folly of voting for a party which had no compassion and now not only vote for but actively support the Labour Party.

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You claim that "poor people" = "gullible voters". Do you have any other condescending observations you'd care to share with us?


I wonder how Labour managed to win the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005 if, as you claim, the party can only survive on the votes of poor people? :huh:

By adopting tory ground (onenation) because they were unelectable otherwise.


How doe's it feel to be on a sinking ship. LOL.

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Quite clearly the reference was to the Tories policy of expanding access to education not myself.


Yes, but if the shoe fits...........well I'm sure you know the rest.:)


As for the accuracy of my arguments, your selective quoting to avoid the majority of my points tells a rather different story.


I select the points that are relative to the debate and that I wish to respond to and not the ones that are designed to take the thread way off topic.


If you knew, why did you make a false claim?


Because it's been a long standing policy of the Lib Dems that's only been dropped due to the difficult economic situation.


I would use the standard definition of poverty used by people like the Rowntree Trust.


Just checked their website but I can't find a quote on poverty.

Any chance you can provide a direct link so I can understand precisely what your position is?

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