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One in seven schoolchildren don't speak English as a first language

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Cymraeg ydy 'r 'n anianol balog ar lafar i mewn lawer adlamau i mewn 'r UK 'n arbennig i mewn Cymru!


Meaning .... Welsh is the natural tongue spoken in many homes in the UK - especially in Wales!


The two young children of English friends of mine were fluent in three languages by the time they were 7. They spoke English at school, French at home weekdays and Polish at home weekends.


So, 1ofTheseDays, why not stop rushing into print with your :loopy: stories?


Does it frighten you ?

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Where's the OP anyway, he's not been back to explain why children speaking two or more languages is a bad thing.


Maybe if we had some statistics on how many children don't speak English at all, then he might be able to make a point about it. As it is, there's no point and nothing to discuss.

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Good riddance Labour...this is largley down to them.




From the article:


"Nearly one in seven school children do not speak English as their first language, official figures released today show.

Including state primary, secondary and special schools in England, 14 per cent of pupils speak another language at home, according to the Department for Education.

The data reveals a picture of a changing Britain and shows the challenge faced by many schools where they have to integrate "


I like the noises that the Conservatives are making on

these issues:


Introduce a clear strategy for national integration to build a stronger and more united society;

Make English a priority for all communities by redirecting some of the money the Government currently spends on translation into additional English classes...


does that mean that 6 out of 7 kids speak english....well thats great because when i went to school 45 years ago...half the kids at our school...cudent reed ore rite...:hihi::hihi:

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Always the same.

Someone raises a valid point re the essential use of English in a mainly English speaking country.

Then lo and behold the same people slither out and start causing trouble.They are so predictable they are becoming quite tiresome,

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Someone raises a valid point re the essential use of English in a mainly English speaking country.

It wasn't the use of English per say, the OP was an attack against people who have English as a second language. I doubt anyone would "slither out" and say English should not be learnt in England.

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Always the same.

Someone raises a valid point re the essential use of English in a mainly English speaking country.

Then lo and behold the same people slither out and start causing trouble.They are so predictable they are becoming quite tiresome,


He's not talking about children who don't speak English, he's talking about multilingual children; he has no valid point here, just trying to cause unrest as per usual, and you've totally fallen for it. Learn to read properly before commenting next time eh?

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Always the same.

Someone raises a valid point re the essential use of English in a mainly English speaking country.Then lo and behold the same people slither out and start causing trouble.They are so predictable they are becoming quite tiresome,


No, he didn't - he was trying to ferment resentment and racial unrest in his usual tiresome fashion.


One in seven kids in schools don't have English as their first language. An issue for the schools they're taught in, but hardly worth getting paranoid about.

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