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One in seven schoolchildren don't speak English as a first language

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I'm fine, thanks :)

Was my logic flawed, or was your post wrong :confused:

Sounds to me like Reading kids are going to have one hell of a headstart in the jobs market in a few years' time ;)


Several billions exclusively speak Chinese. So, no. My daughter -if she pleases- will be learning Chinese, not Italian or Spanish (although she can learn these as well if she wants to, of course :D).


I'll bait a bit, as it's Friday and I'm feeling facetious: neither myself nor my daughter have English as our first language :P

Several billions? You've been on the powdered Tiger stuff....1052 million. Or 1 billion & 52 million more like.

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So now that you've shown your pants you wanna change your tune eh 1ofTheseDays? Now it's; they PROBABLY don't speak English very well... is that the reason for this pathetic thread? Why don't you go make sweet love to the new PM and leave us in peace.

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Several billions? You've been on the powdered Tiger stuff....1052 million. Or 1 billion & 52 million more like.
We're still a long way up from 450 millions, aren't we $nob?


So, did you want to reply on the substantive issue, or just score cheap points?

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I made a slight boo boo here, the cut and paste in my OP is from a different article that i've linked to, but it doesn't matter. The point im making here is that a healthy country is one that has a common language, but as the article says:


A study by Reading council found this year that pupils in the town speak 127 different languages between them.


Great! What a diversity of culture, knowledge and tradition.

They say English is their second language, but just how fluently are these kids speaking English??

As the article says:


Some new entrants can speak so little English that teachers must communicate using pictures and hand gestures[/i][/color]


The immigrant kids that I know are doing a bloody brilliant job of learning English and in plenty of cases speak it better than kids that were born here.


This is the fault of the silly Labour party that believes that immigrants having to integrate fully is somehow immoral, and that we should instead bend over backwards to accomodate them...from the article:


At primary school level, 16 per cent speak other languages at home - 518,020 pupils - compared with 15.2 per cent in 2009.

The proportion has doubled in the past decade.


Immoral? Rubbish. Why oh why do you have to see difference as danger and diversity as a threat?


In 1997, when the last government came to power, the proportion was 7.8 per cent. In secondary schools, 11.6 per cent of children, or 378,210, are non-native speakers, up from 11.1 per cent a year earlier.


Commenting on the trend before taking office, the Tories said Labour's long-term failure to control immigration had made 'life difficult for many teachers'.


Teachers have broad shoulders; yes, it does make the job harder catering for those who have poor or no English, but teaching english is a hugely rewarding as well as challenging task and we're fortunate to have plenty of teachers who rise to the challenge.


Under the Conservatives though we should now see a welcome return to common sense on these matters:


Introduce a clear strategy for national integration to build a stronger and more united society.


Make English a priority for all communities by redirecting some of the money the Government currently spends on translation into additional English classes


Another healthy step is their plans to:


Teach history in our schools to promote our shared values and history, ensuring children are taught a proper narrative of British history .


I don't have a problem with extra English classes, nor with teaching history - as long as it's a broad and balanced view of history.

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Some new entrants can speak so little English that teachers must communicate using pictures and hand gestures

This is the fault of the silly Labour party that believes that immigrants having to integrate fully is somehow immoral, and that we should instead bend over backwards to accomodate them...from the article:



No it isn't, dimwit. It's a product of the simple fact that pictures, signs and gestures are the first steps in building language.

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We're still a long way up from 450 millions, aren't we $nob?


So, did you want to reply on the substantive issue, or just score cheap points?

Just to score cheap points.

Ha ha. :loopy::rant::suspect::roll::huh::help::confused:


Ok, we're on "Who's got most supporters, Owls or blades?" tour now are we?

Who's got most dog eaters or bear baiters???

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