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When did the job centre become like a jail ?

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My son has been out of work now for 2 months he has gone after at least 40 jobs most part time hes 29yrs old so could really do with fulltime what gets me mad is that no one bothers to send letters or emails saying sorry you havent been sucessfull Its ok people saying get a job but how many family men/women can live on part time wages I know you can get tax credits but its not the same my son is single so would just about manage to survive on part time income

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When I finished 6th form a couple of years back I went to the Jobcentre a few times and to be honest I felt safer knowing that the security was there if anything went wrong - in the times I went for job applications etc I saw several people screaming and shouting at the people who worked there.


Oh and I feel I have to defend the Jobcentre in town, before I got the job here about 18 months ago they were really helpful when it came to finding me jobs that I was actually interested in, and they didn't patronise me at all. I don't know if it was because they could tell I was really wanting to work, or just because I got a nice lady, but it just goes to show they aren't all horrible!

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Job centres are not there to help people get jobs anymore, but to see if there's any way they can stop people claiming benefit.


Amen Sister :thumbsup: I had the misfortune to be laid off recently and had to suffer the indignation that it Cavendish court jobcentre. I am only going to be out of work for a month ffs and I had to jump through hoops and the security seem to think they are working for the SPG .. Big smug grins and no manners whatsoever.. They are a necessity but they should at least refrain from dragging their knuckles on the carpets and learn a few people skills..

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There are some nice staff in the job centers, you usually get attitude if your looking for a problem. I do laugh at the monkeys in white shirts though, some of them walk like their on a catwalk trying to look all hard.


Don't tar all job center staff with the same brush, some do not know what they are doing, others will bend over backwards to help you get out of a rut.


That said i cannot wait for them to bring in the new scheme rather than just throwing a random course at someone in the hope it works.

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