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Was anybody in the Air Training Corps in the 50s?

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I am trying to remember where we used to hold our drills and meetings. The only thing I can recall was that they were held in a building near the city center.


There were two instructors that I can remember. One was named Wilkinson who used to teach morse code and aircraft recognition the other was named Nicholas or Nicholson.


My next door neighbour Geoff Kelly on Rokeby Road, Parson Cross was also a member. Does that name ring a bell with anyone?

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I was in that in 1955, we used to meet at Firth Park Grammar School, we went to a couple of air fields, had a ride in a Wellington bomber, and spent a weekend at the Dore and Totley rifle range when Winters were real Winters.

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  • 1 year later...

I was a member of the Firth Park ATC squadron 1950-53.

I spent a week at RAF Halton and we had a flight in an old Avro Anson. I also had a week at RAF Leconfield and was lucky to get a flight in an Avro Lincoln. We often visited Finningley and I remember going up in a Wellington which had had the front gun turrent removed. We also had a bugle band which might be why I'm hard of hearing -- I know it's probably old age. They were good old days though. I always wanted to be a pilot but my math wasn't good enough. I ended up doing 3 years with the 1st Bat. Parachute Regiment. I just remembered the Warrant Officer's name at Firth Park ATC. It was Ted Kavannah. He was ex RFC

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