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Remaking a party - what will be the point of Labour?

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I voted for the Glib Dims and got a slightly watered down CONservative government.


I will be voting LieBore next time around as Clogg has sold out on most of the election promises that made me vote GlibDim.


Never again!


You must be joking. You will commit to voting for a party that currently has no leader and no direction. A party that could be very different come this time in 4-5 years.:loopy:

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You must be joking.


Not at all.


I have no choice.


I will never vote conservative (ever).

I will not vote LibDem again as I've tried that and have been let down on the issues I voted for them on.

None of the small parties get enough support to allow them to be effective.


I have never voted for "NuLabour" (though I did once vote Labour).

Tell me who (other than Labour) will be able to offer a credible opposition (now or in the future)?



A party that could be very different come this time in 4-5 years.:loopy:


The Conservatives haven't really changed since Thatcher, so I don't see why there should be such a massive switch in direction from the Labour party (unless it's back to it's traditional values - which would be a good thing, in my opinion).

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Listening to them right now on BBC Radio 5 in their leaders debate I'm finding myself thinking that Diane Abbot is the one that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. I never imagined I'd say that.


The excuses from the others about how they didn't agree with almost anything done while they were in the cabinet are remarkable. The inevitable conclusion is that they lacked influence and were sidelined (aka useless) or that they are bare faced liars.


maybe she answered a question? the clip I saw was the miliband brothers obviously avoiding anything resembling a question either from the interviewer or the frustrated audience!

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You must be joking. You will commit to voting for a party that currently has no leader and no direction. A party that could be very different come this time in 4-5 years.:loopy:



As you are aware this is only a temporary situation:rolleyes:


I fear this will be as good as it gets for the Tories poll ratings and the Lib Dems are finished. Clegg will probably be a bonafide Tory at the next election, standing in a safe Tory seat in his native South.

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Which ones specifically rather than generally?




Proportional representation (not the crappy AV on offer).


Fully elected second house.




Not rushing with the cuts.

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I cant believe that you admitted that.

You are a tory.

By god that takes some admitting.

A little over 2 months at the helm with their little lapdog libs and already the country is in uproar.

They are already the most despised bunch of morons the country has known, and they are only just starting.

You have some balls, by that admission, I will give you that.


lol, yeah I know it was a strange manic statement from a tory :) ...but its true. If Manchester united had no challenges in the premiership, then do you think they would be one of the best clubs in europe, possibly the world...i doubt it. You have to have an oposition to keep yourself in check. Most people hope the the lib dems would do that, but im starting to think, that may not be the case (not a fan of them anyway) .


My slight problem with either Millibands, or balls....is the way they alligned themselves to previous leaders.....will they make a change or just follow the old rules.....

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Typical political partisan, convinced that it's only ever their political opponents who act like idiots. :roll:


Only self obsessed people believe there own party can do no wrong......all parties make mistakes......its only in time can we see what ideas / mistakes etc, affected people the most

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Only self obsessed people believe there own party can do no wrong.


Political activists are hardly innocent when it comes to being self obsessed.


Show me a politician and I'll show you a man with his house full of mirrors!

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My slight problem with either Millibands, or balls....is the way they alligned themselves to previous leaders.....will they make a change or just follow the old rules.....


The "old rules" as you call them are made by ordinary people : Labour Party members and the Trade Unions, not by a group of elitist ex-public schoolboys. Policy is made at grass roots level as is the choice of leader. Tell me, how do the Tories choose their leaders? Do you know? And are the Lib Dem members happy with changes that their leader is agreeing to and which he specifically said, before the election, that he would oppose?

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