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Homophobe Equalities Minister

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I don't think the racists, bigots and homophobes were particularly happy either, otherwise they wouldn't have been going around bullying and picking on other people in the first place.


Funny isn't when they scream "How dare you take away my rights to call a Black a nigga or equally a Black calling a white "honky". Their little comfort zone all go to pieces.


Just because it did happen somehow justifies it should continue.

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You really don't get it do you. :rolleyes:


The word promote is there and used in the bill specifically about homosexuals with the intent of preventing schools using material like "Jenny lives with Eric and Martin" to counter negative stereotyping and bullying.


It has nothing to do with promoting homosexuality above heterosexuality. There never was and never have been schools trying to tell children heterosexuality is abnormal or that heterosexual relationships are 'pretend'.


There hasn't been schools telling children heterosexuality is abnormal, because it is normal, homosexuality isn't. That's why.

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People were happier,more open and friendlier ...thenPC and do gooders raised their ugly heads


OK, she said, rolling her eyes... let's go back to the days of "Queer-bashing", "N*gger-bashing", and the signs in windows which read "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs".


In fact, tell you what, on second thoughts, let's not... because I'm happy to be friends with my gay neighbours, and care about them. I don't want to see the days return, when they would have suffered their windows being put through, just because they're Gay...

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There hasn't been schools telling children heterosexuality is abnormal, because it is normal, homosexuality isn't. That's why.


Why do you think around 10% of society is abnormal? and why do you support the legislation that denies the validity of their relationships?


That doesn't seem like a rational response to me, nor does it seem normal to have such strong opinions about something so inconsequential.


Do you think it helpful to think of BNP voters as being 10 times as abnormal as homosexuals?

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OK, she said, rolling her eyes... let's go back to the days of "Queer-bashing", "N*gger-bashing", and the signs in windows which read "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs".


In fact, tell you what, on second thoughts, let's not... because I'm happy to be friends with my gay neighbours, and care about them. I don't want to see the days return, when they would have suffered their windows being put through, just because they're Gay...



Just to correct you PT...It wasn't because they were gay. It was because of peoples fears...fears that many still hold. Homosexuals don't have to justify themselves...homophobes do.


I'm straight...Iv'e never had my windows put through.

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You must have been brought up in a nice utopian area, then. :rolleyes:


Back in the real world homophobic and racist bullying and labelling of people was and remains far too common in schools and more widely in society.


When people stop their racist and homophobic labelling of others then you will find people stop getting called racists and homophobes, but not before then.


I have lived in the real world for quite a long time and if you get back to the title of the thread my point is a minister would not have been referred to as homophobic for not agreeing with others of a different viewpoint.

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Why do you think around 10% of society is abnormal? and why do you support the legislation that denies the validity of their relationships?


That doesn't seem like a rational response to me, nor does it seem normal to have such strong opinions about something so inconsequential.


Do you think it helpful to think of BNP voters as being 10 times as abnormal as homosexuals?


*wink: Well, of course it's abnormal to be Gay, wildcat... :wink:


It's as abnormal as the 10% of us in the population who are diabetic, and the 10% of the population who are left-handed...


Did you know, BTW that statistics show that 10% of the worlds population has now shopped online at one time or another? Abnormality indeed!


and yes, I agree with you that even if as many as 1% are stupid enough to cast votes for the BNP, then it definitely makes them at least 10 times more abnormal than anyone Gay, or left-handed, or Diabetic. (or who shops online)

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Why do you think around 10% of society is abnormal? and why do you support the legislation that denies the validity of their relationships?


That doesn't seem like a rational response to me, nor does it seem normal to have such strong opinions about something so inconsequential.


Do you think it helpful to think of BNP voters as being 10 times as abnormal as homosexuals?


It's not as high as 10%.


Abnormal: deviating from the norm.


In Yorkshire, it's normal to vote labour, abnormal to vote for the BNP, even more abnormal still to vote for the Greens.


And I've said about 10 times in this thread I'm against the promotion of, not acceptance.


Promotion: Encouragement of.


I'll tell you what though, promotion of the correct use of the English language is something that does need to be enforced in schools.

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*wink: Well, of course it's abnormal to be Gay, wildcat... :wink:


It's as abnormal as the 10% of us in the population who are diabetic, and the 10% of the population who are left-handed...


Did you know, BTW that statistics show that 10% of the worlds population has now shopped online at one time or another? Abnormality indeed!


and yes, I agree with you that even if as many as 1% are stupid enough to cast votes for the BNP, then it definitely makes them at least 10 times more abnormal than anyone Gay, or left-handed, or Diabetic. (or who shops online)


2% voted for the BNP, about 6% are esitmated to be gay.


Thrice as abnormal.

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