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Homophobe Equalities Minister

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Whether or not the latter is her view, her remit is to vote the way her constituents wish. She's elected to represent them. Her own agenda has to go out of the window.




Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. In the United Kingdom, the electorate elect 'Members of Parliament'. - They do NOT elect representatives.


Those Members of Parliament will (probably) accept the party whip, but are under no obligation whatsoever to pay any attention to the needs or wishes of their constituents. If Proportional representation is ever introduced, it is likely that most MPs won't even know who elected them. - As I mentioned in an earlier post, my MEP (when I last lived in the UK) was a guy called 'Errol'.


Eventually 'Errol' resigned and I discovered Errol was actually 'Eryl' and was a 'she' not a 'he'. She resigned because - as she said - 'If I don't even know who the people who elected me are; if I don't know where they live and I don't know anything about where they live, how on earth can I represent them?'


It appears that Eryl was a politician who cared about the electorate. Most seem to care about hanging on to power - and to that end, they do what the party tell them to do.

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but not, of course, the taking of drugs




I think drugs should be legalised, but with age restrictions, I wouldn't seek to promote them to children neither, except for those with health benefits.


So ban the promotion of dangerous drugs to children, promote safe usage to those that do use them and offer them help to quit if they want. Don't feed them myths neither, give them proper factual evidence, free from bias. By all means promote a balanced healthy diet.

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It's not as high as 10%.


Abnormal: deviating from the norm.


In Yorkshire, it's normal to vote labour, abnormal to vote for the BNP, even more abnormal still to vote for the Greens.


And I've said about 10 times in this thread I'm against the promotion of, not acceptance.


Promotion: Encouragement of.


I'll tell you what though, promotion of the correct use of the English language is something that does need to be enforced in schools.


Whilst 6% in this study identify themselves as gay, 13% have had same sex sexual contact.



What is the norm for human beings? a right handed dark skinned Chinese speaker? and everyone else is abnormal?


We don't use abnormal in that sense when talking about human beings, the word is loaded and includes a denigration at least ever since the Nazis referred to Jews as abnormal, if not before.


We have a range of characteristics within which we consider people to be normal. Such a usage includes people in groups like 6% of the population.... unless you also think whites should be labelled abnormal?


Section 28 goes beyond preventing promotion of homosexuality. It prevented promotion of the acceptance of homosexuality, something quite different.

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Whilst 6% in this study identify themselves as gay, 13% have had same sex sexual contact.


In a survey of 1044 people, 6% then. What classes as sexual contact in that survey? It doesn't say.


What is the norm for human beings? a right handed dark skinned Chinese speaker? and everyone else is abnormal?

It would depend on the sample, race wouldn't come into in a global survey as no race would achieve more than 20%.


We don't use abnormal in that sense when talking about human beings, the word is loaded and includes a denigration at least ever since the Nazis referred to Jews as abnormal, if not before.

Give over. It is perfectly acceptable and commonly used language.


We have a range of characteristics within which we consider people to be normal. Such a usage includes people in groups like 6% of the population.... unless you also think whites should be labelled abnormal?

I'd also be for the promotion of the Maths in schools. Unless of course 2/3s of the white population have mysteriously disappeared overnight.


Section 28 goes beyond preventing promotion of homosexuality. It prevented promotion of the acceptance of homosexuality, something quite different.


Which is why I specifically referred to Section 28 (1)(a) in the first place, and only that.

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In a survey of 1044 people, 6% then. What classes as sexual contact in that survey? It doesn't say.



It would depend on the sample, race wouldn't come into in a global survey as no race would achieve more than 20%.



Give over. It is perfectly acceptable and commonly used language.



I'd also be for the promotion of the Maths in schools. Unless of course 2/3s of the white population have mysteriously disappeared overnight.




Which is why I specifically referred to Section 28 (1)(a) in the first place, and only that.


1) I will let you use your imagination.


2) I didn't mention race.


3) Since people object to its usage in this context and I can't think of any occassion where left handed people or people with different coloured eyes have been described as abnormal. What is considered normal in human beings is highly contentious, not acceptable.


4) No idea what the point is you are trying to make.


5) The fact you have been ignoring (1)(b) doesn't make it go away.

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1) I will let you use your imagination.


2) I didn't mention race.


3) Since people object to its usage in this context and I can't think of any occassion where left handed people or people with different coloured eyes have been described as abnormal. What is considered normal in human beings is highly contentious, not acceptable.


4) No idea what the point is you are trying to make.


5) The fact you have been ignoring (1)(b) doesn't make it go away.


1)I'd rather know what the survey classed it as.

2)Chinese speaker, would imply Chinese race

3)Abnormal still has a perfectly legitimate meaning, my green eyes would make me abnormal.

4)You implied a white population of less than 6%

5)I didn't say bring back 1b etc., just 1a (the promotion of)

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There is no need to 'promote' it. It implies to encourage it opposed to something else.


You can't promote conflicting ideologies at the same time.


How is promotion of one thing over another 'equal'?

Who said homosexuality should be promoted over and above any other kind of sexuality?


I am simply objecting to you bigoted demand that Section 28 be, revived thus singling out homosexuality alone as something which schools are not allowed to mention positively or even neutrally.


You not I are the one singling out homosexuality in a way that is anything but equal.

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There hasn't been schools telling children heterosexuality is abnormal, because it is normal, homosexuality isn't. That's why.

Homosexuality is no more "abnormal" than left handedness, having red hair or any trait that is somewhat unusual but which still appears in proportion of any given population.

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