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Homophobe Equalities Minister

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Theresa May has an appalling voting record on equality issues, particularly gay rights.


Compare and contrast with Sheffield MP Meg Munn who has also been the Equalities Minister and has an exemplary 100% voting record on supporting gay rights issues.


My partner nobikejohn and I were delighted when Meg acted as a legal witness at our civil partnership last year.

The fact is though that many people must agree with Theresa May and her party because hers is in power Meg Munn's party isn't.

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I am sorry but this is the point. The homosexuals I know are accepted and just get on with their lives.

The title of this thread diplays where a goverment minister was labeled for expressing views others did not agree with. Not a way to create cohesion surely.

My view of society is that there are 2 types of people regardless of colour, religion, or sexuality. That is sociable and anti social people.

And it is worth observing people get picked out because of their behaviour not necessarily their sexuality.


How many homosexuals do you know? I've had plenty of abuse on the street for being gay, as have most - if not all - of my gay friends. Plenty of disgusting and abusive remarks. I've also been fairly badly beaten up on the street by a gang of people (men and women) for holding my girlfriend's hand.


I have great sympathy for anyone who is abused or assaulted but to clarify matters,

Was the assault reported to the police?

Was your sexuality the only reason for the assault?

Did the people who assaulted you state in evidence that your sexuality was the reason for assaulting you ?

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How many homosexuals do you know? I've had plenty of abuse on the street for being gay, as have most - if not all - of my gay friends. Plenty of disgusting and abusive remarks. I've also been fairly badly beaten up on the street by a gang of people (men and women) for holding my girlfriend's hand.



Coincidentally a old lesbian mate of mine has just got in touch with me on facebook,last night as a matter of fact,I defy anybody to abuse her without feeling some pain themselves :D

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I've been mistaken for gay in the past, but I've been lucky enough not to have been beaten up for it (probably mainly because I looked more like a gay body builder than a gay anything else). It's never really bothered me; but it does illustrate the point that people make assumptions based on their personal prejudices, and judge strangers on the basis of those assumptions.

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Surely you knew that gay people only vote Labour? ;)


Two gay friends of mine in Brighton voted for the UK's first Green MP. Another gay friend of mine in Derbyshire voted Conservative - as he always does, and a gay acquaintance of mine in Mansfield voted Lib Dem - as he is a Lib Dem party member.


It won't surprise you though Tony that I voted Labour. :)

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I have great sympathy for anyone who is abused or assaulted but to clarify matters,

Was the assault reported to the police?

Was your sexuality the only reason for the assault?

Did the people who assaulted you state in evidence that your sexuality was the reason for assaulting you ?


The quotes have gotten mixed up here...


But, yes, the police were just up the road from the incident when we managed to get away. We told them what had happened. And pointed to the people who'd done it as they were still at the bottom of the road. The police didn't bother to go n speak to them or anything, they just called an ambulance and said they'd call us the following day to make a statement, but we never heard anything.


And yes, sexual orientation was the reason for the assualt - they started shouting homophobic and vulgar remarks... and the rest is a bit of a blur to be honest:rolleyes:


Anyway, the point is there is still a LOT of homophobia out there. People generally think these things don't happen and people "tolerate" homosexuality but so many people really don't. It's seen as "ok" and "not a big deal" to verbally abuse someone for being gay, but if someone had the same abuse for the colour of their skin, or any other reason, there'd be outrage.

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