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Homophobe Equalities Minister

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I have great sympathy for anyone who is abused or assaulted but to clarify matters,

Was the assault reported to the police?

Was your sexuality the only reason for the assault?

Did the people who assaulted you state in evidence that your sexuality was the reason for assaulting you ?


The quotes have gotten mixed up here...


But, yes, the police were just up the road from the incident when we managed to get away. We told them what had happened. And pointed to the people who'd done it as they were still at the bottom of the road. The police didn't bother to go n speak to them or anything, they just called an ambulance and said they'd call us the following day to make a statement, but we never heard anything.


Had the attackers been drinking ?


And yes, sexual orientation was the reason for the assualt - they started shouting homophobic and vulgar remarks... and the rest is a bit of a blur to be honest:rolleyes:


Anyway, the point is there is still a LOT of homophobia out there. People generally think these things don't happen and people "tolerate" homosexuality but so many people really don't. It's seen as "ok" and "not a big deal" to verbally abuse someone for being gay, but if someone had the same abuse for the colour of their skin, or any other reason, there'd be outrage.

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I don't know.


Quotes still mixed up..


The reason I was asking is that in my experience some people when drunk will aim comments at anyone who is different to themselves. That is why I made the comment to Sharrowman about acting in an appropriate manner in relation to the circumstances.

I am not trying to lessen the disgust you must feel against these people but it happens to others also for different reasons, it is an unpleasant part of some peoples personality. As I have stated before I beleive that If you treat such people as individuals you remove the label which they can hide behind. Don't forget some people are proud of belonging to a group others detest.

You must feel very let down by the police.

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Two gay friends of mine in Brighton voted for the UK's first Green MP. Another gay friend of mine in Derbyshire voted Conservative - as he always does, and a gay acquaintance of mine in Mansfield voted Lib Dem - as he is a Lib Dem party member.


It won't surprise you though Tony that I voted Labour. :)


Well you know what they say; "There's nowt so Queer as folk".:o

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Maybe so. It wasn't especially late though n they didn't seem especially drunk. You get remarks from people who're on their own or just with one other person too though - so it's not always group mentality.


Yup, the police were crap. They did take us home though (ended up cancelling the ambulance as I just wanted to go home, but went to hosp day after as wasn't well from my head). On the upside, we got loads of support from the gay community - even those we didn't know all that well, bless em! :thumbsup: And the LGBT societies from both unis gave out personal alarms to everyone (we were students at the time).

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