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Homophobe Equalities Minister

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You'd hope she was not PRO GAY. In fact, one should expect it. Gay-equal, is what you'd expect.


Literacy is the ability to read an write, education is the teaching of skills. Just because a person cannot read or right, does not mean they are against the teaching of reading and writing etc.

Granted, it may affect their ability with all the paperwork nowadays, but in the fairness of equality, why should we treat illiterate and literate people differently.


The point is that her voting record shows she is either ambivalent to or has voted in opposition to some of the fundamental principles of the department she has been appointed to.


I admit the illiterate running an education dept. analogy is not precise and that an important element of intention is missing. Perhaps, a better analogy would be a Philistine for Minister for Culture.

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The point is that her voting record shows she is either ambivalent to or has voted in opposition to some of the fundamental principles of the department she has been appointed to.


I admit the illiterate running an education dept. analogy is not precise and that an important element of intention is missing. Perhaps, a better analogy would be a Philistine for Minister for Culture.


In 1998 she voted against equalising the age of consent and in 2000, she voted against the repeal of Section 28, legislation that banned the 'promotion' of homosexuality by local government and schools.


1998 - This was not a bill equalising the age of homosexual consent, it was one about lowering it. However it could be seen that she discriminates based upon AGE. Perhaps she thinks the age of sexual consent for heterosexuals and bisexuals should be raised to 18 and thus is AGE discriminatory.

-I wonder if she has voted in such a bill (if one has been put forwards)


2000 - Legislation that banned promotion of homosexuality. If anybody's pro equality, they shouldn't be promoting anything except equality.


Homosexuals should be allowed to have sex younger, and homosexuality should be promoted in schools.

Are these fundamental principles of equality?



Your analogy remains the same format, they don't know about A. so shouldn't be involved in the running of A.

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but why...thought it was good to be honest....bet you loads of mps...are anti gay but keep it a secret....she not home secretary then...


More likely they are gay but keep it secret because of all the bigots out there (and on here).

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Exactly so we should not be making special circumstances to put minority groups or individuals over the rest of us :thumbsup:


I think you will find that these minority groups will be very content to have the same rights as the rest of us.

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Exactly so we should not be making special circumstances to put minority groups or individuals over the rest of us :thumbsup:

cos believe it or not certain other groups are already at a disadvantage and the majority of us DONT NEED help to be equal

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Exactly so we should not be making special circumstances to put minority groups or individuals over the rest of us :thumbsup:


True, but to counter a disadvantage sometimes there is a need for special circumstances to ensure there really is equality of opportunity both in the form of censuring discriminatory practices and of reasonable adjustments.


Also Theresa May supports special circumstances that discriminate against homosexuals with regards to the age of consent, adoption and IVF.

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never mind whether its right to be pro or anti gay

what it all boils down to is the fact if your in charge of making sure everybodys equal how can you be trusted to if you believe certain people shouldnt be equal

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never mind whether its right to be pro or anti gay

what it all boils down to is the fact if your in charge of making sure everybodys equal how can you be trusted to if you believe certain people shouldnt be equal


If somebody is in charge of something, when others are not, then we do not have equality.

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1998 - This was not a bill equalising the age of homosexual consent, it was one about lowering it. However it could be seen that she discriminates based upon AGE. Perhaps she thinks the age of sexual consent for heterosexuals and bisexuals should be raised to 18 and thus is AGE discriminatory.


-I wonder if she has voted in such a bill (if one has been put forwards)


2000 - Legislation that banned promotion of homosexuality. If anybody's pro equality, they shouldn't be promoting anything except equality.


Homosexuals should be allowed to have sex younger, and homosexuality should be promoted in schools.

Are these fundamental principles of equality?



Your analogy remains the same format, they don't know about A. so shouldn't be involved in the running of A.


Section 28 was never about promotion of homosexuality, it was about the banning of any references to homosexuality that did not also condemn it as abnormal.


Its intention was to ban books like Jenny live with Eric and Martin.



The consequence of the ban was to legitimise homophobia and stigmatise people for biological factors and parental choices outside their control, to no positive purpose.... indeed only damaging ones.

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