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Does SF help to form your views?

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the only thing that bothers me about the s.f.is when people give the impression they alone know the answer to all the problems of the day.now me i am not to clever but just try my best to give a honest opinion,if i had the intelligance and brilliance of some posters on here by gum i would be off down london to make my fortune.


That’s what it’s all about different people having different opinions.

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It definitely helps me to see the world through other people's eyes so, yes, plays a part in forming my views.


I suppose I am probably the same.


There is one specific area in which my views have changed due to SF (and another Forum I use), and that is homosexuality. (Historically I have had little or no contact with any homosexual people in the real world - or more probably I just didn't know that some people I knew were homosexual - it just didn't impact on my life). Prior to these forums I used to tolerate homosexuality, ie as a liberal I thought it was a good idea that homosexuals should be allowed to live the way they wish. Aren't I wonderful and liberal and tolerant, by ALLOWING them to be homosexuals.


I now realise it is nothing to do with me (or society on my behalf).

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I'm pretty incapable of forming sensible, sentient opinion on many of the subjects covered on SF (politics, religion, knitting ... etc) mostly because I still haven't figured out how to embolden script on other peoples posts when trying to reply. God alone knows how people can make some words blue which once pressed take you all over the place in whirls and loops of virtual palimpsestuary! I mean ...I can make this blue but when I press it ....like so..... nothing whatsoever happens! :huh: In the meantime I'll just stick to my inane ramblings :hihi:

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I do notice that I've developed a tendency to argue with people who don't care about my opinion, I don't care about theirs and there isn't the slightest possibility of changing their mind or mine


bit silly really :blush:


I think this sums it up perfectly http://xkcd.com/386/


Perfectly. I wonder how many other users see themselves in that picture.

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Because sometimes you might learn something? There are loads of knowledgeable people who post on SF, its a great place for general info, stuff about Sheffield, and general discussions. I never want to stop learning and understanding, and I certainly don't hold the same opinions on everything that I did when I was younger. I'm much more tolerant of others for starters.



Except of course when they're wrong. ;)


That would have been my reply, had I seen this thread earlier.

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