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Proposals for a new Tesco in Halfway

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NO TO TESCO. NO TO TESCO. This is not about jobs this is about impact on the area. Negative impact. Traffic engineers have to apparently assess the impact the new Tesco would have on the local area - well anyone living here will know that it's already a nightmare at peak times (for anyone who disagrees, you clearly don't live here).


It is a nightmare anywhere at Peak time, its cause by people like my neighbours on Oxclose who commute to town and chesterfield for work in their car!


Dont forget, Halfway is a major route for people travelling into Chesterfield from this end of the City.


I cant see at Tesco adding alot more traffic at peak times, have you been in morrisons around 5pm? Its not usually rammed, its the people nipping in for a few bits after work there!


I just hope If at all the Tesco doesnt go ahead, unlikely in my opinion, that the land doesnt lay dorment and end up being a place that suffers for it through neglect!

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? I didn't say he had a mortgage - that's the thing - I imagine he doesn't have a mortgage but pays rent or is in a part-ownership scheme (as he doesn't seem bothered about the value of the property being lowered due to the potential Tesco in his back garden) - I maybe totally wrong...only a thought


If you read Jedi's thread he says he needs a job to pay his mortgage, so why would he need to pay this if as you presume that he lives in rented accomodation.

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. No matter how much you support this - would you want a tesco in your back garden? Even if you managed to get a job out of it? I doubt it.


We didn't want housing estates in our backgarden or woodland and we got Oxclose etc etc

If you want to discuss rat runs speak to inhabitants of the original Beighton and Hackenthorpe - not the interlopers in Halfway and Sothall.

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We didn't want housing estates in our backgarden or woodland and we got Oxclose etc etc

If you want to discuss rat runs speak to inhabitants of the original Beighton and Hackenthorpe - not the interlopers in Halfway and Sothall.


Well said :thumbsup:

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If you read Jedi's thread he says he needs a job to pay his mortgage, so why would he need to pay this if as you presume that he lives in rented accomodation.


I must have missed that one because he talks about rent/mortgage.

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? I didn't say he had a mortgage - that's the thing - I imagine he doesn't have a mortgage but pays rent or is in a part-ownership scheme (as he doesn't seem bothered about the value of the property being lowered due to the potential Tesco in his back garden) - I maybe totally wrong...only a thought


Well , you are correct Liose , you are "totally wrong" , i have a mortgage and not a part ownership scheme , and i dont believe for one minuet that having Tescos in my "back garden" will devalue my home .

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We didn't want housing estates in our backgarden or woodland and we got Oxclose etc etc

If you want to discuss rat runs speak to inhabitants of the original Beighton and Hackenthorpe - not the interlopers in Halfway and Sothall.


The values you give your children are more important than the valuables you leave them.







Well said :thumbsup:



Absolutly well said .

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The Halfway area is a prime example of how not to live your life.

I live in an area of Le Marche in Italy. A large village roughly the same size as Halfway, where incidentally I used to live.

We have beautiful countryside and the nearest 'big' supermarkets is 20 miles away. We walk to our shops on foot. We buy our bread from our local bakers, meat from our local butchers, our household items are purchased from a small local shop, we grow our own vegetables and do not expect to be able to buy things out of season. We get our cheese from our local farmer and wine from our local vineyard.

Everyone here is beautiful and happy. Children play in the street and lorries are unheard of.

If a company like Tesco wanted to build a supermarket here there would be a riot. It would destroy the place. Tear it apart.

I pity you all. I really do. Ugly towns, ugly way to live your life.

And the saddest thing is? You could have chosen to live like us but you chose greed and laziness instead.

Even sadder? You mock those who recognise the idiocy of building more supermarkets next to ones already there!

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