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Proposals for a new Tesco in Halfway

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The Halfway area is a prime example of how not to live your life.

I live in an area of Le Marche in Italy. A large village roughly the same size as Halfway, where incidentally I used to live.

We have beautiful countryside and the nearest 'big' supermarkets is 20 miles away. We walk to our shops on foot. We buy our bread from our local bakers, meat from our local butchers, our household items are purchased from a small local shop, we grow our own vegetables and do not expect to be able to buy things out of season. We get our cheese from our local farmer and wine from our local vineyard.

Everyone here is beautiful and happy. Children play in the street and lorries are unheard of.

If a company like Tesco wanted to build a supermarket here there would be a riot. It would destroy the place. Tear it apart.

I pity you all. I really do. Ugly towns, ugly way to live your life.

And the saddest thing is? You could have chosen to live like us but you chose greed and laziness instead.

Even sadder? You mock those who recognise the idiocy of building more supermarkets next to ones already there!


In your opinion. Where would someone earn a living in your paradise (some of us do not work from home or have our own business). You have chosen one way of life and other people cant think of anything more boring than what you describe. You are not better than anyone who lives in halfway you just think you are because of your life choice. Why would you live in italy when you can get exactly what you describe in Bulgaria at a tenth the price.

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You have chosen one way of life and other people cant think of anything more boring than what you describe.


How true, think I would slit my wrist with boredom if I live where he is living. Seeing how some people live in Europe it is like they have no purpose in life.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Would the new Tesco development affect Deepwell/Heathlands estates to any significant degree? From what I can make out, the access is by the roundabout at Morrisons\Lavers, not through the Heathlands/Deepwell estate?


Yes - there is a planned bus gate (supposedly only for busses, taxis and bikes..)..you can imagine what sort of rat run this will be around busy times when people don't want to queue in and out of Morrisons. It's going to be great for the residents of Heathlands with the cars that already park on the windy Deepwell Avenue. Be warned...

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Good luck Tesco's , i hope your application is approved . Sorry Liose , but i feel my home would be more desirable , thats just my opinion , you have yours , and i have mine . I would like it built and you don't . It's just another case of having to agree to disagree . Oh and by the way , I'm loving my new job . I was talking with some of Morrison's customers in the car park the other day about Tesco's and there was this lady who was listening to our conversation , I could feel the daggers penetrating my head the way she was looking at me , i couldn't see her face properly though as her nose was virtually sniffing the clouds from the sky .


Master Jedi - if you have the opportunity - please get a valuation of your house now and then in another year and we'll see how the property is desirable. It's funny that when I watch Location Location Location and all the other property programs - noone ever suggests that properties with Tescos, Morrisons and whatever else in their back garden are desirable...Mmmm Property Advert - 3 bed semi-detached in lovely Halfway area, front driveway, entrance hall, 3 good size bedrooms. Garden consists of paved area, with decking and a lovely view of Tescos delivery bay...impossible to get to the property in Peak Times due to traffic but at least you can buy your pork pies and lenor at 3am in the morning. Offers around £...a hell of a lot less that it's worth this year....Mmm will wait to see that one.

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The land isnt going to be empty for ever, if its not a tesco something else will be build on it, i hope anyone who brought a house on that estate like me wasnt so naive to think that empty ''prime'' land would stay empty for the rest of their time on earth.

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No but it's also classed residential.


It used to be agricultural land and allotments, not all the allotments were taken down to build the housing, the scruffy looking land at the top of morrisons roundabout on the left is where they started, so before we become all, not in our back gardens about it, just remember alot of Wildlife was disturbed when the house's and Morrisons itself was build, so that side of the argument would seem to me hypocritical.


I would much rather have the extra supermarket build than an industrial estate or more houses, alot of my neighbours want more houses build, they are the ones who are worried the houses will reduce in value.


Its all down to supply and demand, if another 50/100 houses go up, prices will suffer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To lodge your feedback against this proposed development, here's some information:


1) Lodge it with Tesco themselves at:




2) E-mail Gail.Smith@sheffield.gov.uk (Sheffield Councillor). She already has a petition with a large number of signatures against it.


3) E-mail Elainehinman@googlemail.com. She is coordinating motions against this proposal along with Gail.



4) Lodge your comments direct with Sheffield City Council at:




... or go to




and search for Application reference 10/02077/FUL


5) I checked at the town hall and the proposal goes to the planning board in December. This is a meeting the public are allowed to attend where they would be able to voice their concerns. I was advised that notification of the date of this will be around 7 days prior to the meeting itself and this will be posted up on http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/council-meetings/planninghighways

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