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Surge in Labour Party membership as Lib Dems desert their party

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Huge mistake. They talk about the power to recall MPs that don't perform while simultaneously looking to lock for 5 years in an experimental government that could fall apart in months. What happens if they screw up on the economy even more than Labour and we can't get em out for 5 years?[/



I doubt if any party could inflict upon us what NEW LIEbour did. The mind boggles.





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When will you realise that the Tories are only in business to further the interests of the richest 20 per cent. They couldn't care les about you and me.


So when Blunkett and Caborn were doing all their consultancy work they were doing it for their constituents and not themselves, were they? Blunkett even worked for Murdoch while all the phone-hacking was going on. And of course under Blair and Brown the gap between the rich and poor actually grew, no doubt due to New Labour's obsession with middle England. How much time did Blair and Brown spend in Sheffield compared to how much time they spent in Texas or with the Murdochs?

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the largest deficit this side of wwii

2 illegal wars

the sale of the uk's gold reserves

the quango


to name a few


What is wwii?


Illegal wars?


Would you like to have starved?


Quangos has increased over the last 12 months.


While were on the subject shall we list what the current government is doing/done since seizing power? And yes we'll ignore the 15 or so U-turns since May 2010 to try and make it a bit fair.

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the largest deficit this side of wwii


if the debt was supportable, why is that an issue?


2 illegal wars


one was possibly marginally illegal, the other one probably wasn't


the sale of the uk's gold reserves


there was a need for cash to invest in public services, disposing of assets like gold provided that cash


the quango


quango's have existed for far longer than new labour has

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