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Surge in Labour Party membership as Lib Dems desert their party

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Its interesting the level of bile that lib voters have for Clegg now. He was always going to be the difference maker, if you wanted him to do a deal with labour why didn't they vote labour?


I don't understand their problem, they're getting some of their policies through which would otherwise have stayed firmly on the pages of their manifesto.

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Surely you mean the left direction?





A lot of people just don't think very deeply about politics or pay much attention to political news.


A lot of it is "my granddad voted Labour, my dad voted Labour and I vote Labour".


Jeez, don't ever consider, y'know thinking for yourself or anything. :roll:


I never can understand that. In this modern world why become a mini-me of past generations of your family. If people didn't think for themselves, we'd have never had an industrial revolution....and lets face it.....had this little island of ours punching above it's weight in terms of engineering ideas that have benefited the world over.


If after examining all the pros & cons & you still decide the same party is for you...fair play...but to say me grandad voted & me dad voted....pahhh!

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I never can understand that. In this modern world why become a mini-me of past generations of your family. If people didn't think for themselves, we'd have never had an industrial revolution....and lets face it.....had this little island of ours punching above it's weight in terms of engineering ideas that have benefited the world over.


If after examining all the pros & cons & you still decide the same party is for you...fair play...but to say me grandad voted & me dad voted....pahhh!


I trust this applies equally to the families that have voted Tory for generations without thinking.

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I trust this applies equally to the families that have voted Tory for generations without thinking.
Of course it should. Your politics aren't the same as your football team you should think for yourself and vote for who will do the best job rather than blindly following some family tradition.


For one guy at work this was his first opportunity to vote in a general election and he voted Labour when I asked why he said because his dad did and "he didn't like what she did in the 80's" he was born in 1991!

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