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Surge in Labour Party membership as Lib Dems desert their party

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You would expect people to join the labour party at a time like this. It will give them a chance to vote for the new leader. You would think that the other parties would encourage folk to join and select a leader of their choice. According to the word on the street the vetting and selection process for new members isn't exactly stringent.

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You would expect people to join the labour party at a time like this. It will give them a chance to vote for the new leader. You would think that the other parties would encourage folk to join and select a leader of their choice. According to the word on the street the vetting and selection process for new members isn't exactly stringent.


Not according to truconstruct who knows all about how the Labour Party membership system operates. ;)

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How long is it since you left the party? I have been, and still am, chair of both constituency and ward parties for many years and I cannot remember the last time we had a vote on a membership application. We get notified of new members and may, if we wish, object and have them ejected. But they are still members.


You know full well that you are notified of new members and if you don't go through the process that's you being lax, not the system being different or people becoming members without you being notified.


I guess the truth is for you you'll take anyone that comes along eh max, its a symptom of desparation.

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You would expect people to join the labour party at a time like this. It will give them a chance to vote for the new leader. You would think that the other parties would encourage folk to join and select a leader of their choice. According to the word on the street the vetting and selection process for new members isn't exactly stringent.


I think ol' max just confirmend how stringent the process is these days.


Looks like they don't even use the rubber stamp any more, lol.

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You know full well that you are notified of new members and if you don't go through the process that's you being lax, not the system being different or people becoming members without you being notified.


I guess the truth is for you you'll take anyone that comes along eh max, its a symptom of desparation.


The process is that people join the Party nationally and the constituency is notified. The constituency membership secretary then communicates to individual wards. If there is any problem at either level then we notify region who will set in train their procedures.


Nothing lax, it's just more efficient this way and more 21st century.

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So now that you have that cleared up can you comment on the strange discrepancy in labours membership numbers.


You know, the one where they claim 12000 new members since the election but the total stayed the same at 166000?


I've no idea. It's not something I'm bothered about, actually, I leave membership issues to my constituency and ward membership secretaries.


If you really want to know then write to me c/o Trades & Labour club and I'll have one of our researchers dig out the figures.

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I have no interest in exposing my ID to you max, why can't you just set the matter streight as a point of principle.



As indicated in the op, the 12,000 new recruits are INCLUDED in the total fig of 166,200.

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