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A question for the one worlders..

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What's a "one worlder"?


I think our BNP loving OP means if we don't send all the Muslim's home tomorrow then the Chinese will have taken over Castle Market by next Saturday and be selling halal killed dogs to unsuspecting Sheffielder's.


Or that Hitler invaded Poland to stop them killing bunny rabbits.

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Europeans don't eat dogs, but Chinese (and Koreans) do.


Europeans don't eat bird crap soup, but the Chinese do.


The Chinese don't eat the rotted lactic fluids of bovine creatures, but Europeans do.


Europeans tend to have rules governing humane slaughter of animals ... those rules are not always enforced. (I'm not just thinking of Halal - indeed, that's a pretty quick way of killing an animal.)


Pigs are usually stunned with CO2 before slaughter ... but if you want 'organic' pork, then humane CO2 stunning is a no-no! The pigs may not be killed in a humane manner if the pork is to be classed as 'organic'.


The machines which kill chickens on 'production lines' don't always do a very good job ... the dismembering machines tend to finish the job, however.


If you eat meat, or fish, or fowl you have to accept it is going to be killed. Unfortunately, sometimes the slaughter will not be effected in a humane manner.


Some Chinese cities have a severe problem with packs of feral dogs. - I seem to remember that the authorities in Beijing had a massive cull of feral dogs a few years ago.


I don't eat dog so I wouldn't kill a dog (unless I killed it in self-defence.) I have 2 dogs and they are treated as a part of my family. - If somebody tried to kill my dogs, then my response could well be vigorous and might possibly get me into trouble.


I've reared other animals (and birds) as food and when it's time to eat them, I've killed them myself. I'm well aware that meat does not come from the butcher.


About 40 years ago I joined the Air Force. During my basic training, I was in a group of people in the Stanford Training Area in Norfolk. There were 30 of us; we were hungry and tired. We were given one rabbit for every 6 people.


That was 'food' (and it was all the food we were going to get for 24 hours, too.)


I killed the rabbit for my group. Not a problem. - I'd been catching and killing rabbits since I was a small child (rabbit was the main meat source in my family.) 2 of the other groups managed to let their rabbits go!:hihi::hihi:


When I killed the rabbit, some people seemed to be a bit queasy. When I skinned it, that put them off completely.


But when I'd cooked it (made a stew) nobody had any problems eating it.


The two groups who had let their rabbits go imagined they weren't hungry. Good for them.

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Sorry i've been away from the computer and unable to respond to your replies.


I dont want this to be a thread specifically about food production methods, i am making a more general point about the diversity, and different way of doing things around the world, because there are people on here that have said that the whole concept of countries is false and that borders are "ficititious".


But, supposing there were no borders and people could just freely migrate around as they wished...what would stop, say, Taiwanese people coming here and opening a stall in Castle Market with skinned cats and dogs on hooks? most people in this ountry would be horrified by it because its not our way , so our authorities(that enforce the laws established in this country) would take action yes?? well, should there be any "authorities" in the world? because in a world with no borders where would a particular "authorities" jurisdiction be?? Are we to live in a world where anything goes? a world where Taiwanese traders can skin cats in Sheffield and westerners opening hardcore porn shops in Saudi Arabia??


People who say that there should be no borders because "borders are fictitious" live in a dream world and need to get real because in practise it couldn't work and would lead to absolute chaos.

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I am asking the one-worlders who say there should be no borders, how it would work in practise when the world is such a diverse place!


Are they advocating a world where there are no authorities and therefore anything goes?!


Who are these one-worlders? Do you mean people who aren't frightened of darkies or who don't feel nauseous when they hear the word "migration".

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Do you mean people who aren't frightened of darkies or who don't feel nauseous when they hear the word "migration".


No, i mean people on here that believe borders are fictitious.


It may be a trendy "right on" thing to say, but its childish and ill thought out.

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